Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

Hey, hey, hey…don’t pop my bubble. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Congratulations…it’s only taken almost 8 years but…FINALLY…Congress is having a hearing on the weaponization of our federal government and it’s institutions.

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Your answer to a decline in journalistic standards is to watch people on you tube.

Sounds about right.

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Have you been reading the NYTimes lately? All dementia, all day, every headline.


What is requirements for credentialed journalist?


Is there anything sadder than adults needing social media blabbers with big headphones and microphones to interpret and filter their news for them?



Did you think this is the first hearing on this subject :rofl:

You are a lost individual that simply eats and regurgibleats what you’ve been fed. I apologize that I do not visit your troughs. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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Are you ready? When they published that 5 DC police were murdered on J6 and one of them viciously beaten to death by Trump supporters using a fire extinguisher…I knew…that…is NOT an honest mistake. They exposed themselves for they liars they are. When someone or something takes of the mask and clearly displays their lying veracity…I’m done…and that applies to YouTube independent journalist also.

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My time is short and is worth a lot of money. Therefore IF…someone passes the credibility test and I respect their journalistic abilities, I’ll listen until they prove otherwise. Your posts prove that’s not how you roll. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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My dear…the J6 commission fed you bull feces for years. Guess what happened with their evidence the day they no longer had control of the investigating committee? They destroyed it.


If you choose to listen to liars, have at it. Pelosi thanks you and don’t forget…orange man baaa, baaa, baaad but…now there’s two orange men. Did you pick up on that?


You can’t just watch a public congressional hearing without a babysitter with big headphones and a big microphone? You need a shepherd to guide you baaaa baaaa baaaa?

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I don’t watch, I listen while I’m working car auctions. In fact…gotta go…this one ends at 2:30.

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When we gain some distance of time from January 6 2020… how do you think historians will view it?

Knowing what we know… what do you think the story will be of that day?

As opposed to you who eats what they are fed on youtube.

They will review it as one of our government’s biggest SCAMS on the public to sheoplize them that orange man baaa, baaa, baaad…all while he was the better choice between himself and Brandon.


I apply this same way both personally and professionally and I’m not going to sit here and brag. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

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I have my doubts.

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These are the same people who said Bush was going to be treated kindly by history. Doubts is an understatement