Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

Why not subpoena him if he doesn’t want to talk about what he investigated? I don’t recall the “I don’t want to talk about it” exception to refusing to respond to Congressional questions.

Mueller got to talk about nothing but the report because that was what he agreed to to testify in front of Congress.

It isn’t hard to understand

Mueller was never subpoenaed by Congress, he was under no compulsion to speak outside of the four corners of the report.

How long was it between when Congress subpoenaed Brannon and he was being charged for ignoring that subpoena? When Mueller stated he would talk about the report but refused to talk about the investigation, that is exactly what should have happened. The very nature of that limitation says there were important things related to the investigation that they did not want in the report. And now, thanks to Durham, we are finding out at least what some of those things were.

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And why was he not subpoenaed? That is the question. Why would he not talk about some things they investigated that he was paid millions to investigate? I think we understand more today.

Mueller was not subpoenaed because he agreed to testify about the report.

Mueller was not tasked with investigating the Steele Dossier and the origins of Crossfire Hurricane… that is Durham.

So far Durham has spent more time and more money to fail at proving his case.


Mueller was never subpoenaed… that is the difference between Bannon and Mueller in that narrow commonality.

He wasn’t subpoenaed because he agreed to testify.

He wasn’t “paid millions” to investigate “The Dossier.”

You beat me to it.

As I have shown in a previous post, Mueller was tasked to investigate any links or cooperation between the Russian government and anyone associated with the Trump election campaign.
That is the exact area that the dossier covered. It was filled with links between Trump and people on his team and Russia. It would seem very odd to ignore that dossier since if true, it would cover exactly what Mueller was tasked to investigate.
When asked by Republicans about the dossier, Mueller did not say he knew nothing about the dossier or that he had not investigated the dossier, he said he would not respond to any questions about the dossier.
Why? He could have said that he did not investigate the dossier further because of x, y and z, but he did not. He said he would not talk about it.
Thanks to the great efforts of Durham, we are now seeing why Mueller would not talk about the dossier. He would have had to talk about the DNC and the ties to Danchenko and the Hillary campaign etc.
Sure, Mueller agreed to talk willingly…about the report, not about the investigation to the extent it covered things left out of the report. When he refused to talk about all things they had investigated, he should have been subpoenaed, just like Brannon. Of course that was not going to happen with Democrats in charge of the House.

Of course he personally was not paid millions, but he was given millions for the investigation. The point was that taxpayers had paid millions for the investigation but Mueller refused to answer questions related to the investigation. He would only answer questions related to the report.

The Steele Dossier was useless and led to no discoveries in the investigation.

There was no reason to address it because it provided nothing.

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I imagine Mueller “ignored” the dossier because substantively, it meant little to what he was actually investigating.


Because it was contrary to his agreement to testify.



Don’t play stupid. That’s how it works. There’s no moral high ground.


Neither you, nor the minority members of the committee speak for “the taxpayers.”

He answered questions as he agreed to - that was all he was under any obligation to do.

There was a reason to address it because congressmen had asked the questions. All it would have taken was a response of we did not look into it in detail because it was fraudulent and we knew this because of x, y and z. Yes, this was important. It would have cleared up a lot of this “where there is smoke there must be fire” talk. Since it was part of the investigation to reject the dossier, it was within the scope of the task given to Mueller.

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The Steele dossier had no bearing on the Mueller investigation.

The only thing it was used for was to help in obtaining a FISA warrant on Page.

And that is what I have been writing about. He should have been under an obligation to answer all congresspersons questions related to the investigation. Thanks to a Democrat congress, he was only required to talk about what he chose to put into the report, not about his investigation. You think that is fine. I think it was deceptive and not fine. And there we are.

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Should is a feeling you have.

Yes, there we are. In the depths of grievances against the other side for not doing what you wanted.

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Yes. A “feeling” that if millions are sent on an investigation then we have a right to the impartial results and discoveries of that investigation instead of cherry picked portions helping only one political party.
And even with that, they couldn’t find any cooperation.


It’s like you guys don’t remember anything that occurred before 2016.

You guys don’t get to play politics when you’re in the majority, and then wring your hands and clutch your pearls when the other side does it too.

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Complaining about cherry picking in a heavily redacted report is kinda funny.

I would love to see the whole thing… but I likely never will.

not his choice. who gives a ■■■■ what he “felt”?