Drip, Drip, Drip...... Now Let's Connect Them?

I would not call them “pro-Russia” policies…just less confrontational and more towards reconciliation than that of Obama and Hillary (which, btw, did nothing to stop the taking of the Crimea).
I consider reconciliation and negotiation to be positive steps, and the Russians haven’t released any emails of my “enemies” (if I have any)
Unless two parties have exacdtly the same outlook, one is going to be seen as more favorable than the other…that is inevitable.
Sorry…still no Manchurian candidate.

No, Sessions and Huber have been working together for a long time.

But why did trump have a less confrontational stance toward russia?


Looks better than the ones on Amazon so far.

we can’t say that nobody slipped up, can we…in fact, the Russian collusion has been full of GOP/trump…zee keystone kops.

There also doesn’t need to be a Manchurian candidate angle either.

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Are you not aware of how the Electoral College works?

I suppose because he believes that we should try to have good relations with the second greatest nuclear power on earth. Sort of a “lets not blow up the world” sort of thing.
What, we shouldn’t give peace a chance?

I did not…you know what… go read all of the posts all the way back and if you still …forget it.

That’s possible. But unfitting with his abrasive attitude toward other countries. He confronts allies, but is cozy with russia?

Well, sure, your explanation is possible. But so to is, he colluded with russia who promised him email leaks that would help him win in return for favorable treatment.

Not so cozy with Russia as some may think.

" If you strip away his ostensibly chummy personal relationship with Putin, Trump’s Russia policy has been drastically more assertive than that of his predecessor. In 14 months, here is what his administration has done:"

“Trump’s policy toward the Kremlin should be evaluated on its merits. If you extract partisan politics and strip away justifiable distaste for his general conduct, what remains is arguably the most effective Russia policy since the end of the Cold War.”

lol - How’s your little conspiracy thread going for you? :rofl:

An opinion piece written by a conservative author who served as a GOP advisor to campaigns. Shocking.


Even non leftists are allowed opinions. And were any of the facts he stated incorrect, or is it that we just shouldn’t listen because he isn’t an MSNBC type?

Joe DiGenova? This Joe DeGenova? https://www.washingtonpost.com/news/the-fix/wp/2018/03/19/trump-is-reportedly-hiring-a-conspiracy-theorist-for-his-legal-team-heres-what-joe-digenova-has-said/?noredirect=on&utm_term=.17ed8dd1a64c

You never got back to me.

It’s great when the q-anon types out themselves like this

More q-anon nonsense.

I’m worried you two think you’re speaking in code when you’re actually blaring klaxons under a neon sign screaming Q ANON HERE

Hey, trumpists, the ones that claim they aren’t crazy… How come I’m always the one that has to highlight ^ this ^ nonsense going on among your ranks instead of one of yall putting it in check?


You keep thinking that, munch munch, popcorn’s good.