Dr. Joyce Lee Malcolm on the 2nd


Too funny Sneaky! 5 deaths in 6 days of riots in England a complete travisty. WE NEED GUNS!!!

90 - 100 gun deaths a day in the US just the righteous cost of freedom. WE NEED MORE GUNS!!!

Joyce Lee Malcolm is a ■■■■■■■ idiot.

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The problem of no registry.

:rofl::rofl::rofl: priceless.

Western Europe doesn’t want what Joyce Lee Malcolm is selling.

Truth can be scary.

Like the US gunutters, all she’s selling is fear.

Then why did you not say that instead of coming up with that ‘America is worse than Somalia and Afghanistan’ crap?

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:roll_eyes: anyone with half a brain would have understood the inference.

And of course we know that without registration it is very difficult to implement an effective confiscation plan.

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She’s not selling anything, she’s merely pointing out the stupidity of the “no guns” policy.

That explains why I did not understand your stupid inference … I have a full brain. I take what people post literally. There is literally zero connection between what you said and what you later said you meant. Why don’t you try saying what you mean instead of pretending to be clever by making ridiculous false comparisons in an attempt to convey what you mean to say?

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Bull crap. The cherry picked interviews, incidents, the interviewer. A cherry picked incident 6 years ago. There is no great outcry in the UK or any where in W. Europe for US type gun laws because all they need to do is read the daily news to see carnage on US streets and know it’s a failed system.

Uh Tilly … the interview is five or six years old.

The only carnage in our streets is between criminals in our bigger cities. If you either have no criminal connections or no suicidal intentions, your chances of being shot in this country are nil.

My god, you do have half a brain

By European standards, there is carnage on our streets.

By our standards, there is carnage in European streets. Perhaps everyone should just stay home.

No there isn’t. And you have no idea what you’re talking about. What are you, like 17 years old?

you gun huggers are delusional

Of course there is. Terrorists running down people on sidewalks with trucks and shooting them with machine guns in nightclubs and places of business. Happens all the time in Europe … or at least it seems to according to the American media. It’s about the only news from Europe they print, unless a Prince is getting married or Trump is there for a visit. I’m sure the European media does the same thing about what goes on here.

The perception that Europeans have of guns in America is substantially fiction based on the sensationalism of the media. If you look at the actual facts, we Americans are very unlikely to ever be shot unless we happen to belong to one of several small demographic subsets.

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl: Wow 2 in like the last 2 years :rofl::rofl:

You know nothing.


Gunutters, like a gunnutter’s video.

SOS. Different day.