DOW 27,000 🇺🇸 - America on the verge of a new roaring twenties under Trump's stewardship

In what insane reality is 2.25% interest rates not a low interest rate?

And what metric are you using in terms of out performing Obama’s economy? It can’t be jobs created. Or GDP. Or annualized market returns. Or rate of increased real median wages. Or the trade deficit.

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Trump also did not inherint a recession hemoraging hundred housand jobs before taking office did he?

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If Obama’s economy was so great, Hillary would have won…

If the econony Obama had inherited was so great McCain would have won. …


Can you point out on the annual GDP chart where it out performs?


This is quarterly GDP. Can you point it out here?

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That is incorrect.

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Yes… The govt let banks make no doc loans for no doc people.


in 1919 the infant soviet union was just beginning to inspire the modern left

Wait. You support govt regulation?

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If Trump’s economy was so great, Democrats wouldn’t have won all of the Senate and Governor races from PA, MI and WI during the 2018 midterms.

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During Obama’s last year in office in 2016, there was an average of about 193,000 jobs created per month.
Last month there was about 164,000 jobs created. Link
The economy is still in pretty good shape.
But there were more jobs created during Obama’s last 30 months than during Trump’s first 30 months.


Just a little while ago, we crossed the 26,000 mark, moving rapidly backward (all the way to where we were in January 2018, in fact)!


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Whoo, hoo I got out last Thursday right before 2 pm ET lol :heart_eyes_cat:


Whelp, what’s the number to get back in? 22k? Higher?

I dunno, please don’t take advice from me, it was just dumb luck. I needed to liquefy for a down payment on a home

Looks like the number to look for then is, “real estate.”


At the moment, all we need is three days in a row of +125 days to get back to 26k.

Holy crap, almost down 1K for the day

Well the good news is that the DOW only ended up down 767 points. So that’s heartening.