Doomday Clock Countdown in 12 Years We Die!

BW it is my understanding that the youth turnout was the highest for several decades. Another motivation for an increase in the youth turnout in my opinion will be younger people demanding action on climate change.

Let me put a further cat amongst the pigeons: maybe the USA should move to compulsory voting and moving from a Tuesday to a Saturday.

Good idea so Jews can’t vote.
If Omar sees that she’ll demand it.

Youth turnout did indeed surge in November during our midterm elections, but on the whole? It’s never been great. Prior to November 2018, for example, the youth turnout for the 2014 midterm elections was just 16 percent, so any jump was going to be dramatic.

It might come as a shock to you but in Australia we do have people of the Jewish faith. We have voting on Saturdays and there are alternate provisions to allow voters to vote other than on the Saturday.

That would still slow them down and discourage them. I think you’ve hit on something. Again, Omar and AOC will run with this.

We already discourage people from voting by having voting on a non holiday weekday, limiting early voting, requiring ID rules to limit minority voting, making it difficult for college students to vote, limiting voting rights of convicted felons, and limiting the number of polling stations so that low income/minority voters have a much more difficult time voting.

It doesn’t appear to be a problem for those of the Jewish faith in Australia.

Has anyone ever provided the quote from the green new deal that says the earth is ending in 12 years? I looked. I couldn’t find it.

Trump is complaining about not being thanked for the state funeral because, like the wannabe autocrat he is, he sees himself as the state. So Trump gave McCain the funeral, not the US government, and fealty to the man must be demonstrated by the family.

You hit all the lib talking points.


Voting in the U. S. is ridiculously easy.

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That’s taking those talking points to task.

Well done.

Every one of those tired old excuses made by Adam have been addressed here ad nauseaum.

Were you not paying attention?

Yeah, I saw most of those talking points were supported by facts.

You calling them a talking point doesn’t make them inaccurate.

Whilst I am on a roll maybe an independent electoral commission that draws up boundaries that are regular shaped geometric shapes save for any physical geographic features and state boundaries.

Maybe - long time to go

How do you know? Are you a Jew?

No I am not. Let me cite from the 2016 Federal election in the electorate of Wentworth in New South Wales. Wentworth has about 12.5% of those of the Jewish faith. Out of 106,782 the turnout was 86.24%. There was no indication that those of the Jewish faith were prevented from voting.

I would also point out that on the Saturday if you happen to be say in Western Australia and your are registered to vote in the Wentworth electorate you are able to cast an absentee vote on the day. Also, the polling places are open on the Saturday from 8 am to 6 pm. There were about 40 polling places for that one electorate. That would be a similar number for most metropolitan electorates.

There is no link rule either way. Have you been under a rock, since Cortez is famous for saying the end will come in 12 years? This needs no link. Anyhow, the end is even nearer, so we need to keep track! Think of it as holding crazies on the left accountable. According to another kook, AlGore, the end already should have happened. But hey, don’t let any of that make you actually think maybe they might not be infallible…

oh no… it’s well under 12 years now. whats the countdown? does anyone have a link to a countdown clock? i’ll put it up along my guiness countdown clock to next st patty’s day

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here’s her latest doozy

growing cauliflower is “colonialist” and more people should be growing “yucca” (lol). this is central to the new green deal she says. somehow

watch in small portions or it may literally pull IQ points out of your brain. (the “debbie wasserman-schultz” effect)

what a “firebrand”

so smart