Doomday Clock Countdown in 12 Years We Die!

The last time the Earth experienced a sudden and massive warming, 70% of all North American mammals that weighed over 100 lbs, went extinct.

Notable species include 4 species of elephants, the American lion, saber-toothed cat, giant beaver, giant ground sloth, short-faced bear, camels, etc…

And thank God for that too. Dodging moose and deer is dangerous enough.

Stay in your lane bro…

You’re mistaking derision for obsession.

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I’m sorry, could you provide a link to the rule here requiring a link for everything that gets posted?

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Remember this the next time a Trump supporter invokes TDS.

No. Go to Fox News. It’s obsession.

Quad erat demonstrandum.

Interesting you use the term “Stay in your lane”. I believe that is the same expression that the NRA directed at doctors. I believe the doctors’ response was to post blood soaked clothing, shoes and floors from trying to save gunshot victims.

How stark is the contrast between New Zealand’s Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern’s response in the aftermath of the terrorist attack in Christchurch compared to Donald Trump’s unedifying tweets about John McCain?

Clearly as a non-American you simply don’t understand that right now the most important issue at hand for Donald is to attack a dead man. Because you know, some people out there might still find McCain to have been the better man, and you can’t expect Donald to just let that go.


Come the millennium, year 19
In the home of greatest power,
The village idiot will come forth with the teeth of a horse
To be acclaimed the Boss.

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Since we’re all going out in 12 years, it’s obviously too late. So why not burn all the fossil fuel we can and party all the way out!..

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Honestly, this one had me all sorts of creeped out in 2001. lol

“The third big war will begin when the big city is burning” ~ Nostradamus

I have no ■■■■■■■ idea what you’re talking about and I’m pretty sure you don’t either.

It’s a catchline from an AT&T commercial.

BW I have watched enough Fox News to not be naive about the current President’s behaviour. Just one example whining like a 7 year old (although very apposite) that he hasn’t received enough kudos for the state funeral for John McCain.

I obviously am not completely aware of John McCain’s military and congress record but I certainly know enough that one would be hard pressed to argue against he receiving a state funeral irrespective of one’s politics. It seems completely inexplicable that the current occupant of the White House would want to go down that route. Does he not take any advice from those advising him.?

I presume you are referring to “stay in your lane”. I do know that post the Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School shooting 14/02/2018 a movement March for our lives) was started to get sensible gun laws reforms and to engage younger people to register to vote and to vote. It is my understanding that the 18-29 demographic had a significant increase in voting in the 2018 midterms.

Another movement, Moms (sic) demand action for gun sense in America, have also the aim to change gun laws in the USA.

Opposing those and similar movements has been the NRA. When doctors showed their support to MFOL and Moms (sic) demand action for gun sense in America the NRA told them to stick to their jobs.

The doctors’ response was to say it was their lane to try to save victims who had been shot. They showed graphic pictures of the blood soaked clothing, shoes and floors. They spoke directly to the heartache felt by loved who had to be told that the patient had died.

Perhaps the sarcasm in the post you responded ro didn’t come through, or perhaps it mirrors the attitude of sincere Trump supporters a little too much. :wink:

But yes, I agree - Donald is an absolute pig of a man. And I say that with a twinge of regret in that the comparison unfairly disparages a noble beast that is not only intelligent but gives us bacon.

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BW I interpreted your previous post correctly. My preamble in my response was not for your benefit but for others who would choose to attack me as an Aussie that doesn’t know what they are talking about.

Ah, ok. No worries then
. :slight_smile:

Lest I be accused, though I am an Aussie not Russian, of attempting to influence the 2020 election, I certainly hope that there is a further and significant increase in those who vote in the 18-29 demographic

American youth are notorious in their seeming inability to translate political enthusiasm into showing up at the voting booth in significant numbers. We’ll see if Donald can inspire them in ways past presidents could not.