Donald Trump: Making The Gospel Great Again

Jesus warned us of false prophets.

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Dumpster Donnie and Stormy the Porno Actress were just trying to make a baby?

King David practiced Christianity? We are talking about Christian values.

Has Trump committed adultery in the White House?

Based on his entire life so far?


Executive Time.

Ok, has he been caught doing it?


In the locker room.

Probably. That doesn’t mean you and I will hear about it. At least for now.

So no. Thought not.

I wonder what his main squeeze down in Florida has been doing since he moved to the White House. She probably only get to see him once a month now with the press around.

Maybe she and her husband have patched things up.

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Wrong conclusion.

All you have to do is look at the behavior of his entire adult life. He’s a lowlife dog.

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Oh I agree. As was Clinton. There’s on glaring difference though.

So Trump is your King?

I think he found Jesus and quit adultering once he became a POLITICIAN.

Come on. Somebody give me some love. That thar is damn funny.


Hahahahaha hahahaha!

Jim Bakker’s back on TV and Trump is president. Hallelujah

Is that a prerequisite for judgement?

By whom?


As you’re the one who asked I assume it’s an important distinction to you. So is that your litmus test?

For me judging a cheating pol? Yep.