Donald Trump goes after Joe Biden's speech impediment

If Joe had stuttered during his “this is a big effing deal” hot mic moment, it would have been even better.

Stop noticing things.

Trump wrote that Biden got tongue-tied and that this is evidence of low IQ. Do you agree?


You are much too generous. I would have said a 3 year old, ya know “the terrible 3s”

Good, then say that instead of defending Trump all the time.

All it takes is a sentence or two that you disagree with what Trump tweeted.

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Good point. He stuck somewhere with arrested development. Maybe 2 even. In fact I thought they were called the terrible twos. Never had kids - guess 3 is just as bad.

Unfortunately he calls many people he disagrees with as low iq. He says it about white people as well as black people. He said that about Maxine Waters, he said that about Robert DeNiro, Joe Scarborough, Mika his wife. It was not racist to call Waters low iq any more than these other people. It is a dumb (maybe low iq) thing to say, and it is not something he should say about individuals. No problem defending yourself, to make those kind of personal attacks is not good, but he is not picking on Biden here for stuttering, any more than these other peoples he attacked for low iq.

Nobody is cured of stuttering. Nobody.

I MAY know about stuttering? Please tell me you’re not serious.

I watched the clip multiple times, he was fumbling for words. That has everything to do with his speech impediment. Again, I know about this stuff, you don’t.

More over, I do not think he should be calling anybody “Iow IQ”. He is implying that people with low IQ are inferior, less of a human being.

I bet you’re going to defend Trumpster on that one too. He constantly denigrates people. Not very presidential.

Speech Impediment? Really? He’s a gaffe factory and always has been.

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That is true, which he should not.

Having a low IQ doesn’t make you less of a human being, and pretty much an elementary school thing to say. Trump constantly saying this, is DENIGRATING and completely UNPROFESSIONAL.

At least he seems to be able to count to four. For Joe, it’s a challenge.

Funny, I remember how everyone used GW Bush’s speech impediment to indicate he’s dumb…where was the NSA then?

Make no mistake, Trump is wrong in doing this, but a lot of people should have egg on their face right about now, NSA included.

Voting for Gore.

And the zinger! :rofl:

Bush doesn’t have a stutter.

G.W Bush does not have a speech impediment as far as I know.

The NSA is a non-political organization.

They are upset that Trump equated “word fumbling” aka tongue tied with lack of intelligence. That’s their complaint, and they are correct.

I don’t know all the manifestations of stuttering. Maybe that isn’t even the right way to look at it. Possibly stuttering is the manifestation of some other root source?

The point is, speaking for myself, when I think ‘stuttering’, I think Mel Tillis. Something more obvious.

To the inexperienced eye, Biden’s situation looked like someone who said something unintended, paused, and corrected himself. No overt st,st,stuttering. While the experienced eye (like yours) could see this as the coping done by one who stutters.

I’m not trying to excuse Trump, but he’s probably as ignorant on this subject as me.

Right, it’s the Terrible Twos. It’s been 29 years since I’ve had a 2 y/o.

anyway, he’s a thinned-skinned toddler.