Donald Trump goes after Joe Biden's speech impediment

The cruelty is the point.


Yeah. No. This wasn’t about stuttering at all. It was another Biden gaffe. Biden said that he had the best record among anyone running, thus apparently announcing he was running. He then back tracked with saying he had the best record among anyone who “would run” because he has not yet announced.
Sorry. Fake thread and fake pretending to be the victim.
If you look at the whole speech its clear he was not stuttering. He was pausing to back track.

Trump has the mentality of a 12 year old. A 12 year old bully.

Trump has a 400 word vocabulary and he doesn’t even know how to string those few words into a coherent sentence.

I didn’t see anything wrong with what Biden said.
If I said ‘I’m more conservative that anyone running’ I don’t think anyone would believe I meant I was running for president.
If Biden had said ‘anyone else running’, you would have something.

While I’m on the subject, O’Rourk definitely has an arm jive impediment. He looks like an idiot, standing on chairs and tables flailing his arms around.

400 words might be generous…

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Why oh why? This thread about to turn into 600 posts. Paging TM to the thread. Come MR TM. Someone mentioned the disabled reporter

Doug, You’re wrong. He was mocking his impediment. Again, I know a lot more about the subject matter than you do. Even when I post a video of Biden slipping up and mangling his words, you deny reality. Stuttering is not JUST repeating the same word, it’s a break in a normal speech flow. That speech flow is harder to contain, when you have a neurological disorder. Trump can make fun of Biden all he wants, but picking on a disability is wrong. Equating slip of the tongue with lack of intelligence is wrong. Plain and simple. I know you don’t care whatever idiotic thing Trump does, but there has to be a line in the sand.


It looks like he is not a stutterer any more, he just makes gaffes. Like telling a guy who is paralyzed ‘stand up, oh God Bless you’, 3 letter word, ‘jobs’, introducing Obama once in a funny way, it wasn’t stuttering so much, but just getting the words out wrong, he wasn’t stuttering to get out the wrong words. Apparently he used to be a stutterer, I don’t think he is one now or Trump referring to his stuttering, but Trump should stay quiet on this type of thing, people laugh at Biden on their own. Actually it is almost kind of endearing, because regular people mess up like that all the time. I’m against Biden because of his policies, not because he flubs up words a lot.


So we are supposed to take the operative meaning away from…switching running for Prez with MAY run for Prez…and apply it to people who stutter like Mel Tillis? What an odd jump that is.

I had no idea Joe Biden stuttered and he has been in public service since 1970. Much like I never knew Donald Trump was a racist until he became President and the media needed a public virtue heel.

Another glorious day in the propaganda mill producing quality content.


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What is Joe’s “brain” impediment?

Trump wants to lick the US flag next time, not just hug it.

Almost as bad as Trump’s sniffing impediment. He sounds like an idiot when it sounds like he sniffing some adderal.

Well normally I’d say that the way his voters vet candidates needs work. But maybe they were just tired from 9 years of hunting down Obama’s school grades and birth records.

Donald’s Hawaiian team found some amazing, amazing things. He’s planning to reveal them to everyone, probably next Tuesday. Stay tuned.


It’s going to be yuuuuuge news - the bigliest news ever!!

Be Best!!!

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Only until you reach 18, then all bets are off!

Joe Biden has a lot of Obama baggage like, fisagate, spygate on and on and on. Plus Biden has those gun free school zone death traps he create hanging over his head but fake news will do everything to sell us a poopsandwitch.

You may know about stuttering, but that is not what is going on in this instant. The clip that was shown was a short cut out of a speech. Where he hesitates it has nothing to do with stuttering. Nothing. It has to do with his saying that he was the best of the candidates running and then realized he had not announced. That “impediment” was merely his catching himself to go back and correct what he had said.