Donald Trump Doesn't Answer the Question

When Jerry Sandusky was asked whether he was a pedophile, he took over 16 seconds to answer the question, but even he eventually answered the question.

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And of course…this

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The Republican party is neck deep in Russia involvement.

You know, for Jeanine Pirro not supposedly being a real “journalist”, she tends
to get the best ratings against her competition most of the time.

Here’s is what you call is real news. Whoopi Goldberg flipping out on Judge Jeanine

Obama even admitted that Russian collusion wasn’t possible. Fact check Fact Check!

Judge Jeanine asked him exactly these words; " Are you actively working for Russia or unwittingly?" “Are you now or have your ever worked for Russia?”

Were you going by the “Failing New York Times” for your facts?

Did you even listen to the video of them speaking or just go by the Liberal New York times? I ask because I’m listening to the whole thing right now, and she just asked him a follow up question, which was something to the effect of; Why not release the conversations that you’ve had with Putin at Helsinki? Which he answers as well.

“Here’s the bottom line," the president said. "There was no collusion. There was no obstruction. There was no anything. … It’s a witch hunt.”

Does nobody consider this an ANSWER?

Just remember Americans, through the eyes of Democratic Politicians you’re not allowed to have any attorny client privileges through the law.

What was fat donald’s answer?

You do not judge a journalist by their ratings. Journalism is not a popularity contest.

For Trump to tell Pirro his usual “no collusion…no obstruction” line and her not to follow up with “Why isn’t Paul Manafort giving campaign internals poll data to a Russian representative an example of collusion?” is all the proof you need that she is not a real journalist.


You know, for all the talk about John Tesh not being a great musician, he sells more music than Evgeny Kissin!


If there’s one positive to this whole Trump nightmare, it’s that I realized that I overused “frankly” and “honestly” as modifiers in my sentences and how guilty it makes you sound.


You got him now.

Alert the Secret Service. This is a code orange people!! Move it, move it, move it!! pence is now the primary!

Pirro also should have asked what reason could he possibly have for confiscating the interpreter’s notes?

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Somebody needs to let Mueller know about Trump being an admitted Russian agent. On “This Week” they reported that the Mueller report will be “anti-Climactic” regarding collusion.

quick recap

You know its bad when FOX asks this question.

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Absolutely. Great ratings doesn’t equate to great journalism, especially in today’s climate. TV, somewhat like social media, is into clickbait and attention getting. Pirro never worked for a newspaper. Her history is legal. But she’s just a showbiz personality on Fox. Like any other personality on any other TV show.

He’s still your President. Try to keep up.

Seems like an indictment of the press more than anything.

Who? Fox? Or are you blaming the NYT for reporting the story?

Thus, why Democrats lost in 2016. Trump was too unbelievable.

Believe me.

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I wonder if Robert Mueller ever sees these types of stories and turns to his associates and says " Well, the public is only 1 year behind now".

Ha! You called Fox News a major news channel.