Don Jr Lied To Congress

Bush caused 9-11 that’s why he brought in Mueller right before because Mueller is secret deeeeeep state

Must have struck a nerve. Serious projecting going on now. :laughing:

Struck a nerve? You obviously have no response. So you have to project my emotions. You just got owned.

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Mueller’s office was preparing to tell a federal court that Stone pushed an associate to **get documents from WikiLeaks **

Well that cinches it I guess. Clearly Trump was conspiring with Russian intelligence to give the hacked emails to WikiLeaks so that Stone could then attempt to get them from WikiLeaks instead of just sending the emails to Trump’s campaign directly. Makes perfect sense. Criminal Mastermind of eleventh dimension proportions. :roll_eyes:

You’re really struggling here. You were waxing about how Wikileaks couldnt have been involved with trump and Kremlin. Wikileaks and Roger Stone have a history and direct line of communication. Oh and by the way, we faked the moon landing and Mueller was in on it! DEEP STATE

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I have no doubt WikiLeaks was involved. Wasn’t the investigation supposed to prove Trump was behind everything? Focus.

I know… the DOJ, Hillary, Obama, CIA directors, FBI, DNC, the media are all in on the giant Mueller hoax!!! Trump totallyz was not trying to build a tower in Moscow after having miss universe in Moscow and negotiating with close to putin oligarchs to get financing through a sanctioned Russian bank during the campaign. Russia totally didnt run campaigns for the benefit of Trump, and trumps team totally didnt push for sanction relief for Russia and deny that they did the hacking. HOAX.

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If you’re asking this 1.5 years into the special investigation, you are utterly hopelessly confused

Pretty sure Mueller shot JFK. DEEP STATE

Yeah. Assange and Trump were also such good buddies that Stone had to ask an associate to get the docs from wikileaks instead of just getting them hand delivered by Assange because he was also covering for Trump. Genius. :roll_eyes:

I never claimed trump and Assange were close buddies. Swing and a whiff. No worries, this is tee ball you get to play til you get a base hit

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Projecting again. What’s the pee tape connection? Come on, I believe in you bro. :laughing:

You tell me. Your the only one bringing up the pee tape. Strike 4. Try again.

But Trump conspired with Russia to hand over the information to WikiLeaks. I mean he must have since clearly he ordered them to hack the DNC servers to begin with. We have unmitigated proof of this, given there’s been indictments and everything! :laughing:

You are bouncing around talking point to talking point. There are no indictments for muellers team. There are indictments though for trumps team and their dealings with Russia. Hahahaha. Strike 5. You can do it.

Strike 6. I never made the claim. For all we know, IF there was collusion, then it COULD have been an agreement to help him get into office to ease sanctions, in exchange for Moscow tower financing, and trump wasnt in on all the details. You’re the one making up this HOAX DEEP STATE in your head. Why dont you just let Mueller finish?

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Why not? I mean Comey already finished this before Mueller started and said there was nothing implicating Trump. Which means obviously Comey was speaking in double super secret squirrel code when he said that and Mueller will ultimately find evidence that links Trump to the whole thing. Genius. :roll_eyes:

You are so confused.

More projection. At least I sidetracked your obvious trolling. :laughing:

Yea that’s why trump fired him for this “Russia thing” and Mueller caught a bunch of people lying about their dealings with russia. Strike 7. Hurry up it’s almost sunset.