DOJ is moving forward on McCabe lying

The old shell game.

Where is the pea.

I palmed it in my hand.


Put McCabe in jail. Let the Dims pardon him “if” they ever return to power

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This like hope and a prayer type of post? Your doj ain’t doing ■■■■

No they’re not.

Nope. If you don’t like it, it is what it is

Does it rattle, Allan ?

Yes they are

I knew the DOJ had nothing…

All you need is federal judge willing to buy the BS… Striking out so far

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This is what happens when the cec goes up against reality.

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99.9 percent of their conspiracy theories have been debunked but they still believe em. It can be entertaining and cringe worthy at the same time

They couldn’t even get an indictment from a grand jury, which will usually indict a ham sandwich as the saying goes.

Is Infrastructure Thursday over yet?

i was told there would be charges…

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And that so many would go to jail…

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Don’t worry, there will be some other nonsense to take its place…and the audience will hardly notice.

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It doesn’t say no plans. It says no immediate plans.

The judge told them to indict by yesterday, if they were going to.

Given that the deadline of prosecution passed, I predict that the next legal step will be McCabe filing suit to recover his pension.


This is gonna cost us money because Donald Trump is a ■■■■■■■ moron trying to cover up his crimes.