DOJ creates special unit to target ‘domestic terrorism’

The Constitution simply states that "The Times, Places and Manner of holding Elections for Senators and Representatives, shall be prescribed in each State by the Legislature thereof; but the Congress may at any time by Law make or alter such Regulations" (Article I, section 4)

Yes, angry parents at school board meetings are the biggest terrorist threat. Lock 'em up!


I’m not sure I understand what you’re trying to say.

Are you saying that if Trump were to become President, he would use the “Domestic Terrorism Task Force” to investigate Miguel Cardona?

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The Democrats may constitutionally be allowed to pass a federal election bill. A non bipartisan bill that allows a single political party to control elections in every state will damage the credibility of elections even further. Fortunately, the legislative filibuster makes this bill unlikely to happen.

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That is what those that voted against the VRA in 1965 said.

Minimum , consistent requirements for states to follow is a good thing, and solidifies our democratic republic.

What part of the bill do you dispute?

Coming from the Committee to Harass School Boards, that ■■■■ is…rich.

I didn’t mention the Build Back Bankrupt bull either, it’s frightening that one or two Democrats who may not have totally lost their minds yet are all that is standing between us and that attempt to remake the country.

And I didn’t mention the blatant hypocrisy of up chuck schumer and company, who not long ago were passionately decrying anyone looking to change the filibuster…now they want to end it for just one vote…just one because it’s so important that the rules shouldn’t apply (even though the issue is like #23 on the list of the top 20 thinks to worry about in America…and their entire Jim Crow 2.0 list a complete lie). I m sure once they ended the filibuster for just one vote they would never act like the camel with his nose in the tent and go for another one!!!

There’s plenty more but you are correct. This bunch of leftists wants to put government in charge of how we live and how we think.

They would easily mutate the idea of government of, by and for the people into the people living and obeying the dictates of bureaucracy.

We are living in scary times.

Fortunately more and more Americans seem to be rejecting the idiot left, having gotten a small peek at the way they would govern, and are rejecting this disgusting group of socialists, or worse, currently living in DC.


It’s not a conspiracy, they are doing it right in our faces. Like Collusion…

We should end the pat act not expand it…


I dispute the advisability of taking this from the states and handing it to the Feds on the sole basis that the Democrats can use this as a method to control elections in every state. For one, mail in ballots are the most open to undue influence or fraud. For my state, I believe these should be limited to use when necessary.



Oregon, CA and Utah are doing fine with mail in ballots.

If you are not in my state, it should not concern you.

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Don’t be silly. You are in a different state, not a different country. Voting rules affect us all.


It’s a conspiracy that its being formed to go after “opponents of Biden, democrats, CRT, government overreach & government corruption”.

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The smaller, more local, in paper, the better. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Does your state participate in federal elections?
If so, I would prefer the election process be consistent and fair.

Ok… lets just keep it consistent and fair for all states.

All those are not conspiracy. That’s the news.

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Who is “lets”?

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It absolutely is. Recycling. You may not realize this, but what the proletariat believes, true or not, matters a great deal.

Our republic.