Does Twitter and FB owe the world an apology?

I haven’t seen that meme posted on MySpace yet, but it moves slow these days.


I’m sure the Big Guy will take care of it and leave no tracks. Dems never do. That’s how they never get caught.

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I linked to CNN and CBS. I thought that would be clear enough

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No. Rather than search 100 sites, I thought is would be quicker to simply ask. You seem upset by this. This should not be upsetting. Do you know if any TV networks are covering it?

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You misunderstood the story that FB blocked. It wasn’t blocking a story about an investigation into money laundering by Hunter.

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Conflation at its finest.

The soggy laptop story wasn’t about money laundering.

The soggy laptop story was about Joe supposedly being paid off to do things politically on behalf of Ukraine and China, and there is nothing in the new investigation that even hints the stories Giuliani were trying to spin are true, or are part of this ongoing investigation.

Read the story- Twitter and Facebook didn’t “suppress this investigation”. The DOJ did.

Finally I go to all sources to get information…even the right wing wingnut sources that get posted in fora like these.

How else to know what’s going on in the Unreality Bubble?


What is CNN?

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You’re awfully prickly today. If you’re so annoyed why don’t you take a break? Take a breath. :roll_eyes:

I obviously was not clear enough for you. By TV, I actually meant TV. Sorry. I’ll try again.



I am answering your question (repeatably), not annoyed

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Yes. They are being shown on TV

Yes it was on ABC News last night.

I didn’t watch every single network, but if it was on ABC it was likely on the others as well.

Yes. You are annoyed.

Which CNN reporter was on the air with this story? I already know the answer so I’m moving back to the topic.

I sense a pattern building

It IS one of these threads, after all… :rofl: :rofl:


Of course it is

And there you have it. A real answer to a simple question. Thank You!. :+1:

Yay you. POINTS!

Are we done now?


Wrong. The DOJ did not ban anyone from saying anything. The Twitter Twits did that. Along with Zuckerborg.

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And how did them not running a story suppress the investigation?

I hope not. I had a few questions. Including this one.

Do you think Biden should tinker with or shut down the investigation when he takes office? Or let it play out and let the facts be revealed?

Unlike Trump he should stay out of meddling in investigating potential criminal activity committed by his family

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