Does This Ring A Bell?

Try not being rude. You didn’t address it, you whined about “whataboutism”.

Your whataboutism, and expecting someone else to prove your whataboutism deflection, was addressed.

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This is how a president is supposed to behave…and a Governor as well at times like this. A president is supposed to offer help and not put conditions on it.


DeSantis will make for a fine President.


Do you really think he will mount a primary run against Trump?

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You bring up an interesting point. Since “reversed tribes” were brought up, how many times did Obama or Biden threaten to withhold aid from a red state governor for ANY reason? A quick Google search doesn’t help much.

Remember when Trump threatened to withhold aid to fight California wildfires? Remember when he directed FEMA not to help, then changed his tune the VERY next day because EVERYONE was going after him for it?

Trump doesn’t live in my head. :man_shrugging:


The anti-small government tyrant, who doesn’t see the difference between shopping at Walmart for 30m and sitting behind a desk for 8 hours, will make a damned fine president.

Weird non response to a pretty tame question.

Here comes the ankle biting. lol


My question was about DeSantis, not Trump.

Everything is about Trump for y’all. :rofl:

Y’all? :rofl:

I asked about DeSantis and you hear Trump.

Actually, I mentioned DeSantis and you brought up Trump, like always. :wink:


Fair enough, I’ll rephrase my question.

Do you think DeSantis will run in 2024?

Probably not.

Look at you being the thread monitor.

Can’t be worse than the old senile pervert we have now.

Ahh…the false equivalence theme rears it’s ugly head.

Between climate change, and the events on Jan 6, there is a distinct difference between the parties.

Democrats believe in science and reality, Republicans deny both,

No, simply stating that the point you brought up to me had already been addressed by me. Reading the posts, instead of repeating unrelated jibber jabber, would have saved us both some time. We wouldn’t need to sit here stating the obvious.