Does the Mueller report open with a lie?

The FBI announced it was reopening the Clinton investigation. The FBI never disclosed the Trump Investigation during the campaign. And from this we are to conclude that the FBI favored Clinton.

Not very credible.

The deep state did EVERYTHING they could to stop Trump!

Coulda, woulda, shoulda…

What happened to #factsmatter ?

Clinton supporters were conned, led to believe her election was the most inevitable event ever to occur in this century. #factsmatter

If the Deep State existed and had so much power wouldn’t they have been able to stop Trump?

I suppose they failed because Putin bested them.

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She did get millions of more votes.

But not in the right states.

But please… let us not pretend that the amount of people who actually swung the election could fill a football stadium.

It was a lot closer than Trump supporters want to admit and the next time around there will be a record to run on.

Well, if we’re discussing facts, let’s not forget this one. The two lousiest candidates for president in my lifetime were nominated by the major parties in 2016. One of them was going to win, and we will be stuck with the winner until 2020.

I, for one, hope that each party puts forward an actual adult candidate in the presidential race as an alternative to the 71 year old child that we have occupying the White House at the moment. I’m sure that, given 2 adult candidates, we should be able to get one of them into office in 2020.

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Oh wait… maybe we have a disconnect. I was referring to the 2016 election in which Hillary Clinton and Donald Trump ran campaigns to win more votes in the electoral college.

Had there been a popular election, I’m sure they would have run their campaigns differently. Or do you think they are the same?


Donald Trump won the electoral college with slim margins in three key states.

This time he has a record to run on and a lot can happen between now and Election Day.

As far as I’m concerned, anything anyone says about the Report without reading it first, has no credibility.

Instead of listening to someone else’s opinion, just read it yourself or listen to it on Audible (free download.)


EXACTLY!! Fact checking is so important instead of relying on conspiracy talking points.

YES it was! The Dossier was DNC and Hillary opposition research to use against Trump during the campaign but it couldn’t be verified so they used a work around by leaking it the media and presenting the dossier as legitimate foreign intelligence as a basis to get a FISA warrant and a Special Counsel investigation.

The whole damned investigation was illegitimate from the get go and Mueller knew it either immediately or no later then 6 months into it but continued with the witch hunt for political reasons and to throw the Democrat dogs a bone they could chew on for years. :roll_eyes:

Its the biggest scandal this country has ever seen and the Dems are all about being “historic” and they really have made history with this scam! :angry:

I’m sorry, but the voters that were conned were the trump supporters. I voted for Hillary even though I didn’t like her because I felt (and still do) feel trump would have been worse and I was right. The fact that trump cheated contractors, students from TU, failed businesses, bankruptcies, immoral, adulterer, and ONE HEAVYWEIGHT LIAR was (still is) someone who shouldn’t be POTUS.

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Saying that is hilarious in the face of the evidence provided by the faces of the bamboozled and disillusioned people in this picture who realized on election night 2016… they have been conned.

Believing otherwise will simply result in more pictures like this one but dated November 2020.

Those people are upset because Donald Trump won the election. What con?

Your debating the ‘fact’ that the con was Hillary (or the MSM) said Hillary would win and she didn’t.

By that logic, close to 50% of all political races are “cons”.

A waste of time to engage except for entertainment purposes.


They were sold the story that Trump had no chance. Would you like to see evidence of that?


Only people who don’t understand statistics and polling think Trump had no chance. The map in the video you posted uses words such as “likely” and “lean.” You’re undermining your own argument.

Again, false. The Republicans hired the same firm. Neither Steele nor the dossier were involved until after the Democrats had taken over.

Doesn’t seem like Rachael Maddow understands statistics and polling.

But …but…but… they were told otherwise.