Does the American Flag trigger the left?

If someone voluntarily freed their slaves and then spent their life fighting for abolition, yes, I’d say that they are redeemable. It’s certainly forgivable.

What if they didn’t? If their slave died a slave and they didn’t spend their lives fighting for abolition?

Then, no.

How about if they saved a child from a fire and cured 'Rona?

And cured cancer?

Then they would be a racist cancer curer and child saver.

I didn’t say anything about cancer.

So slavery is always racist?

You should be reading Sowell…

On a personal level, no.

But I can separate the personal from the ideological.

Which is why I am a huge fan of Jefferson despite his personal failings.

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Too funny!

Did I say that?

In the context of the US. Yes racist.

He won’t save you

Black people owned slaves in the US.

He could save you.

What use is a statue of the person, then? Wouldn’t monuments to his work suffice?

I think the flag triggers the right.

How many?

Nah I am good. Did my research, not my style.

I think everyone should be required to hug the American flag.