Does reversing abortion laws give all non-white Americans a better socio-economic demographic position?

Have a nice evening.

Let me type slower so you can maybe follow along:

There are TWO primary parties that get elected in America. Democrats and Republicans. Now, since DEMOCRATS were in power in the Southern states in both the governorships and mayors in the big cities ( still are in the big cities) through the 1960s, and Democrats have the mayors positions in almost every big city today. WHO THE HELL IS VOTING FOR THEM?? Who voted for them then and who is voting for them today? You push this lying narrative that REPUBLICANS are the racists, that Republicans have pushed policies that keep blacks down, and therefore they put racists in these positions right? WHERE ARE THE DEMOCRATS? WHO ARE THEIR CANDIDATE’S? WHO ELECTED THE DEMOCRAT RACISTS IN THE WHOLE OF THE SOUTH THROUGH THE 60’s? What party has been in power in the big city ghettos for decades on end since then?

You want to call Republicans racist? Fine. What have Republicans done? How about put your big boy pants on for a change and answer the question?

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Are you reading my posts?

Southern Conservative democrats prior to 1965 did all of that to black people.

Unless you are going to argue slave owners were progressives?

Still waiting for you to tell us how they were conservative.

the laws were not reversed.

so therefore a false premise.

everyone can still get an abortion these days.


Yeah he’s a pot stirrer.

Oh I see. Racist Republicans and racist “conservative” Democrats joined forces, and the combined racism resulted in Racist Democrat Governors and mayors getting elected. Meanwhile, the true non-racist progressive lefties in the DEMOCRAT party were so outnumbered they couldn’t get their true non-racist lefty candidates elected. Of course the question is: how did those racist Democrats get through their respective primaries in order to make it to the general election? Come on man, since racist conservative Democrats are such a tiny, microscopic, percentage of the DEMOCRAT party, it seems that no racist Democrat could ever rise to the top of their ticket to begin with right? Only the progressives should have ever got the nomination on account of most Southern Democrats being non racist and all. And, if the majority of Republicans were racist, why did they join up with racist conservative Democrats at all? Why not vote for their own racists? That way every election would result in a racist REPUBLICAN verses a non- racist DEMOCRAT! That’s a no brainier isn’t it? And then you nice non-racist Democrats could have sailed through 100 years of American history as the true champions of civil rights, bestowing upon the poor black man all the privileges that his white Republican racist oppressors have enjoyed!

So now that true progressive lefty Democrats HAVE been elected in most of our major cities, replacing the conservative racist Democrats that have held power for decades, when can we expect to see an improvement of any kind? Because so far, things aren’t looking so good for big city residents. Things seem to be getting worse across the board as a matter of fact.

We know, any day now things will start to get better right?.. Just a little more confiscation and redistribution, just a little more money taken from those rich people, just a little more money for our public schools, just smaller classrooms for the overworked teachers, just as long as unrestricted abortion is available to everyone on demand, soon as everyone is identified by their chosen pronouns, once we reverse global warming and get everyone all greened up, soon as we stop trying to prevent every human being on earth from coming here illegally, when all perversions are equally embraced, when white racists finally admit that men can get pregnant, when all white people acknowledge their privilege…Then and only then can true equality for the black man be achieved. Yep, any day now things will get better because you progressive are working so hard on things that really matter!

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You honestly think Abraham Lincoln and his allies in the Republican Party (later National Union Party) were conservatives?

You might want to look up how Lincoln thought about and used federal power…

I’m well aware of Lincolns shortcomings. He was a product of his time. He also was more concerned about preserving the union than freeing the slaves, though he personally hated slavery. He said if he could preserve the union by keeping slavery, he would do so and if he could likewise preserve the union by abolishing slavery he would do so. I tend to believe that slavery would have ended soon anyway, but Lincoln did it sooner than it would have naturally happened.

That doesn’t change the fact that Democrats had power in the South in the form of governorships and mayors offices for most of the last 158 years since the civil war ended, and though the southern states have gone Republican at the national level, Democrats have maintained control of the big cities.

I have never denied racism exists in the Republican party, but DEMOCRATS want to deny their past and act like they are making things better. They’re simply not…

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There is no TRUE 100% Conservative politician out there. You can find some action or decision or initiative that violates pure conservatism in any one of them. (Even if you make that assessment with the definitions of “conservative” used in the era being examined.) That doesn’t mean the politician was not conservative. Just that you can find counterexamples that show political decisions not purely in line with it.

But yes, Lincoln made some decisions – in a time of war, of course – that certainly were not small-government and were not of limited federal power.

You keep focusing on party instead of ideology

That’s the fundamental flaw in your recent posts.

And you keep ignoring that people vote for the party that reflects their ideology, as evidenced by recorded history. This is why you refuse to respond to the points I make.

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This is correct!! Finally!

What ideology was reflected in 1860 in the Democratic Party?

The same ideology they have today.

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You mean like supporting the confederacy? What party today, contains supporters, that still fly the confederate flag?

In 1860 it was supporters within the Democratic Party. In 2023 is is supporters in…. Which party?

The soft bigotry of low expectations.

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They were Democrats

is that inconvenient?

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