Does Jesus/Yahweh love us or is he stalking us?

Does Jesus/Yahweh love us or is he stalking us?

Love without reciprocity, works and deeds, according to scriptures and Jesus’ own words, not that a supernatural Jesus ever existed, is not a true love.

All you need to do, to know the truth of that notion; is to look at your own standards of love. You would not love someone who does not return that love, as that is more a stalkers kind of love.

Some Christians and other believers will not see that. Most who are not led by faith, generally accept the truth stated above.

This link, in its message, gives about the same notion.

Your thoughts?


I have no idea. I struggle with faith every day. The answer will be revealed when I croak in 100 years or so.

The answer to this question may be found in intent and context of the Bible passages…with a follow-up of comparing that intent and context to the context and intent of the question.

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I would have thought that the overall message in Christianity’s of, do as Yahweh commands or end in purposeless torture and death in hell would give you an idea. But that might just be me.


IOW, yes Jesus is stalking us but only in the biblical context.

Thanks for your eh, honesty.


Shrug. No…at least for most of us, but continue to have fun with your perspective.

If this is not stalking to you ------
