Does Harris having a great-great-great grandfather being a slave owner raise any concerns?

The bottom line is? The concept is stupid. More important, it is a distraction from what matters today and what the decisions of today mean for tomorrow.

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her ancestor owned slaves… that doesn’t make him great-great-great

This is the solid level of discourse we are striving for these days apparently.


Where did I say “rapist”? What are you talking about?

I heard Rush pushing this.

I soooooo hope that this becomes the GOP’s big gotcha.

Please please pretty please


And here I thought Poeing was forbidden here. Huh.

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I really don’t care.

History is a lesson, it isn’t personal.

Unless someone wants to take history and make it personal.

And if that is the case then good luck. What a waste of time and energy that could be spent more productively.

What do you think that’d do?

Entertain me greatly


Tainos are still on the island. My father is from the Parrish(Manchester) where a few Tainos descendants live. Not sure if it’s still considered Tainos territory now because that was years ago.
However, at the end of the day in 2020 they’re Jamaican just like the those who have African, white, Chinese, east Indian and Arab heritage who call Jamaica home.

Out of many, one people.



Yeah…I suppose.
When I want entertainment I pay 5 bucks for a movie ticket.
Suddenly considering reparation is only entertainment when a Liberal black person is supposed to pay?

Home is where the heart is. The cultures are theirs to have, keep and practice.

And for very good reason.

I love that this is some sort of “Checkmate Dems!!!” thing.

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I can’t wait until Trump adopts this attack line. You know it’s coming.


BTW…I just got my heart set on validity of reparations and what do you know…it’s out of style now!!!

It’s absolutely coming. I pray that he jumps out there with this nonsense.

Hoping for a little reverse psychology here…are we?
I suspect you is worried sick, actually.

Poeing is against the rules. I wouldn’t say it if I didn’t believe it. I advise following my example.

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