Does everyone agree that having completely and legally Open Borders would be the most compassionate form of immigration policy?

Many of today’s Left believe we should have open borders, from my link:

The right to freedom of movement becomes only more important as growing numbers of people become uprooted and displaced. Conflicts over control of the planet’s resources, economic policies that devastate people the world over, and climate change — which creates more disasters and makes parts of the world uninhabitable for everyday life—are all increasing.

With those dynamics, the responsibility of governments to honor people’s freedom to move only grows, too—as does that of ordinary people to defend that right.

I can see how you would interpret that to mean open borders but I don’t personally know anyone that advocates totally open borders.

That’s it exactly what it means.


Perhaps I did not word my response correctly. I know that it already exists. I was trying to convey that I don’t think it should be changed other then working towards making the time-frame shorter.

The link this was from was literally an argument for open borders.

What should it be then?

And doesn’t represent the Democratic Party, does it? It may be a minority subset of the party but it is not in the policy page.

True…the Canadians are happy in their own country and seldom enter illegally.

Wow…already modifying your response, eh? That was for our Canadian friends. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

No, I used totally open because that is how you guys portray it.

The reality is that it is nowhere near totally open now not do I know anyone that advocates that.

I’m being specific to the southern border.

advantageous to the nation?

In what way???

in whatever way we decide. being compassionate isn’t an issue. we should allow people to immigrate because its advantageous to us and them, not to be nice to them at our expense.

Bunch of baloney, you could get rid of most of them by simply making it illegal to rent or sell them a house or to use banks. And if you did want to round them up and deport them you could finance it with seizure of their property.

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As I noted in the OP, in every discussion on immigration those on the left here mention the words on the Statue of Liberty:

“Give me your tired, your poor, Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free, The wretched refuse of your teeming shore. Send these, the homeless, tempest-tossed to me, I lift my lamp beside the golden door!”

Is not the reason for bringing this up to indicate that this should be our immigration policy? Is this statement not a cry for Open Borders?

I like Biden’s immigration policy just fine.

Perhaps could add a path to citizenship for dreamers maybe…


I think you are misrepresenting the term compassion in how it was used in the OP…I think you are right…we need to have a policy that is advantageous to the USA, and to those who are coming here. However, I think the OP is pointing out we have had policy that mistreats people for several different presidencies and we need to make that policy more compassionate. If you want to immigrate here, here is what you do. If you don’t want to do that, then out you go. We can’t have people holed up in cages, sleeping on camp mats, spending months in refugee centers…but we also can’t be shipping these refugee’s to all four corners of our country. As far as I am concerned…No President since Reagan has gotten in right. And even that is questionable.

trump got it closer to right than anybody.

Actually what I was trying to get at is how many on the left claim not to want open borders out of one side of their mouth then out of the other side of their mouth state that we lack compassion by denying people to come here.