Does anyone believe things would be going worse if Trump had been reelected?

Show me any post of mine praising Trump as a person.

Actually I forgot to mention Afghanistan.


It had to be this way.

People would have reacted far worse to the resilience of Covid with Trump in office, even though the economy would have been much better.

one thing is for sure…

if trump were pres and everything was the same, you’d hear no end to what a disaster everything is


Doubt based on what?

Quote it.

Yes, I do. Do you really think that Democrats and their allies would have let a little thing like an election keep Trump in office for a second term?

They had backup plans for riots, secession, military coup, orchestrated propaganda campaigns, etc.

Then there is always the risk that a violent leftist would take matters into his own hands while the CIA and FBI display shocking levels incompetence and/or complicity.

I have come to the conclusion that we are better off with Brain-Dead Biden, but not because he is a better president.


No infrastructure bill, no stimulus. He probably would have gotten delta and made it a fashion statement for his idiot flock.

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Bidenbux = $1400+
Trump change = $600

The US has added $2.8 trillion to the debt since Biden took office. The workforce is about 165 million people.

That works out to over $17,000 per worker.

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The thing I feared most with Trump was his desire to remove anyone who did not agree with him or were not loyal to him. in every case he replaced those people with many who were not qualified for the job and allowed him to impose his will. His America first plan made America alone. He alienated us with some of our most loyal international partners. And in the global economy we have this was not a good thing. And I would be very concerned if he decided to remove or diminish our involvement in NATO. He really didn’t seem to grasp why we keep our military in certain international positions.

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Trump’s 2020 deficit was over $3 trillion.


Actually the 2021 deficit is also his, Biden’s first budget is 2022.

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There’s a silly game we play here where anything that happens prior to January 20, 2021 is on Trump and anything that happens after that date is attributed to Biden. Nuance, externalities, and ongoing trends cannot be taken into account.


Biden’s COVID bill passed in March. It added 1.9 trillion to the deficit.

The relief checks were only a small portion of the pork.


Just following through on Trump’s request

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Of course not!! You can’t get any worse than the Biden Administration.

I don’t know what the average age of forum members but never in my lifetime has the country ever had a supply chain crises not even at the onset of covid and it’s1st year that dimwit Dems blame it on.

The Afghanistan withdrawal and the deaths of 13 soldiers, hundreds wounded & maimed while leaving hundreds , maybe thousands, of American civilians stranded, that’s got to be one of the worst military debacles in the history of the country.

Biden couldn’t reverse policies & EO’s that Trump put in place fast enough and if the idiot had just done nothing & left things as they were we would all be better off and a hell of lot safer.

Instead, we have historic inflation, hordes of unvaccinated & infected illegal refugees storming our southern border, human and child trafficking, historic drug smuggling and overdose deaths of Americans, we are dependent on OPEC for our oil needs, (talk about building backward), lawlessness all across the country, covid mask and vaccine mandates and civil unrest dividing the country to a dangerous level.

It’s astounding just to ask the question since the Biden disaster list grows every day!


but the economy’s great!

(just wanted to show how stupid that sounds)

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the economy’s so good it’s bad

— for idiots

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If Trump had been re-elected his administration would have been totally frozen by the increase in omicron. His approvals would be in the thirties and we would be on the third impeachment.
At least we would still have a semblance of a border.


man… crystal ball perfect

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