Does anyone believe that Open Borders could be a good thing? If not why?

Um… You completely flipped from your first post. So is this last post your final answer? Or do you still think my suggestion is nuts because of what you posted below? Is America ■■■■■■ because we use the same currency in New York and California? Is America ■■■■■■ because we have the same system of government in New York and California?

So you are among those who think we should have one global currency and one world government? That certainly explains your position. :roll_eyes:

Let’s not get crazy here.

Of course there should be one good government for the deserving people like us and then the ■■■■■■ govt. for the other wretches on the planet.

Are you assuming that our government would be in charge and not say China’s? Because that would end well, I’m sure. :roll_eyes:

lol - Keep drawing those lines in your head man and ignore what I’m actually saying should be done.

I would not suggest to posters here to try and think of the world differently and not suggest it to the leaders in China. Or anywhere else.

But it’s cool. I expect the human race as a whole will continue to be retardedly small and narrow minded for a long time to come. One day we’ll all look like Brazillians and it will be easier to think of us as just humans.

Don’t sweat it man, I don’t expect you to even remotely get it.

I’m not sure I follow you? Many of the illegal immigrants that come here (at least in NJ) will work for people who have their own landscaping business or private contractors who do small type construction work or home repair. And they pay them under the table. The last thing they are going to do is put them on the books. That’s just reality.

What kinda of white supremacist would one be if did not prefer getting killed by whites at a 10X more chance?

I think we both agree that no particular group is monolithic in their reasoning. I’m sure Rand Paul and Gary Johnson would have a number of areas where they disagree for example. Also regarding those on the Left there are those who do favor a more open borders immigration policies than say someone like Joe Manchin. Lastly pretty much everything you said would be consistent with the views of most conservatives.

“Our planets evolution”… LMAO!.. Sound like a kooky religion.

Clearly. That’s why sanctuary cities exist. Because Democrats who create them are all about the rule of law when it isn’t politically expedient. :roll_eyes:

Yeah man, that’s fine. But my entire line of posting has been saying that we should open things up so that they are not illegal. Hence they will actually demand to be on the books and be paid the appropriate wage for the job.

It really shouldn’t be that confusing… ???

What do those dumb ■■■■■■■ police chiefs know anyway…

There are many more reports and studies out there that will tell you the same. But yeah… DEMOCRATS!!

open borders bad. Wall good. :smile:

They can demand all they want, the fact is joe landscaper or joe general contractor is not going to put them on the books, furthermore there are plenty of people who are more than willing to paid under specifically to avoid paying taxes.

And like I said, you are definitely the glass is half empty kind of guy.

So there will always be people willing to work off the books and crooked landscapers and contractors… Great! Has nothing at all to do with my any of my post or what I have been proposing, but I’m glad you got that out of your system.

So we should pay enough taxes to support not just our country, but the entire world?

We weren’t talking about taxes Chief, we were just talking about the economy and the exchange of goods and services for $$.

But thanks for playing.