Does anyone believe that Open Borders could be a good thing? If not why?

That is exactly the danger to our culture… the culture that already spends billions on foreign aid and wins wars against dictators.

Those fears are understandable but misplaced.

Article at the first blue link in my previous post:

I was hoping you could clarify some of the points you are making. Are you saying that Conservatives actually want Open Borders but Democrats don’t? You also seem to disagree with the arguments put forth by the authors in the two articles? Could you be more specific? What would be the drawbacks of Open Borders? Also you said we would save a ton of money by eliminating agencies that enforce immigration, what percent of the federal budget is devoted to that?

This statement is actually misleading on a couple of levels. First of all this fact check article the data on that is not definitive:

“The issue is ripe for dispute because, as we said, there are not readily available statistics on this issue. The Justice Department keeps data on federal crimes committed by immigrants in the country illegally — and an analysis from the U.S. Sentencing Commission found that undocumented immigrants made up a disproportionate share of federal inmates sentenced for nonimmigration crimes in 2016. But the vast majority of crimes (more than 90 percent ) are dealt with at the state and local level, where those kinds of data are harder to come by because those jurisdictions rarely record whether prisoners are immigrants in the country illegally.”

Secondly much of our nations crime is concentrated in certain communities as indicated in this other article:

“Using U.S. cities with a population over 100,000 and the most recent FBI statistics on violent crime, USA Today formulated a list of the top ten most dangerous cities in America. Of these ten, eight are currently run by Democratic mayors and city councils, and two are controlled by Independents. Of the past ten mayors of each of the three most violent cities in America — Birmingham, Detroit, and St. Louis — eight have been Democrats. All told, the three most violent cities in this country have been under nearly uninterrupted Democratic control for more than half a century. With violent crime rates exceeding 1,400 incidents per 100,000 citizens in each of these cities, perhaps a change of pace is in store. Admittedly, it is difficult to identify a significant correlation using only one criteria. However, an analysis of poverty and unemployment indicates a similarly distressing pattern.”

Among the prominent factors in that top ten list is poverty, so I’m not exactly sure how importing thousands of impoverished people into our communities is going to make our towns safer?

That’s only half the story, I suggest this article. The authors work was cited by both Clinton and Trump during the election. Both of which only cited half of the truth. So yes the world gets richer at the same time the native workers get poorer.

It’s informative and not a partisan piece.

I sure as heck don’t believe in open borders. I also don’t believe in border walls. There is a middle ground.

Thanks for the article, I too found it informative.

With respect, you don’t get to decide what story I was trying to tell and whether or not my post only gave half of it.

I just said that we should be striving to make the world a richer place.

Now your piece is interesting in that it states pretty clearly that the result of the cheap labor is that employers(let’s call them the rich) get richer. But what if I suggest that we institute a minimum wage to prevent that from happening? In my experience, conservative heads explode and won’t even think of it.

I think we should be striving to improve the world, not just American workers and certainly not just American employers.

Please start trying to think about the world as your neighborhood. A lot of our neighbors have been left behind and need help.

If you take offense to me posting a follow up just skip over my comment, simple. I will refrain commenting on your posts.

I don’t need to be offended, and I wasn’t, to point out your comment was completely off base.

Had I been offended, believe me you would not have gotten that “with respect”.

Just try to think about the world as your neighborhood. A lot of our neighbors have been left behind and need help.

I assume you meant to say raise the minimum wage? I don’t know if that would make any difference since many of these migrants work under the table as it is and hence undermine the minimum wage. I don’t see that changing in an open borders type of scenario.

The USA is our neighborhood. What you’re suggesting would be akin to forcing New Yorkers to pay for Californians.

Personally, I don’t know why when Obama and the Dems had control of both floors, that
they didn’t just have their companions drive to the border and hand out free food stamps, and welfare. Also free citizenship. They would have gotten votes a lot easier than, then maybe they could have won against President Trump, but I still doubt it. lol.

sigh… Of course not. Giving people the knowledge that they don’t have to live in fear and are entitled to be here with an open border policy and they are entitled to that better wage, won’t give them any incentive at all to stand up and be counted and get that wage.

They will still cower in the shadows why exactly?

You do realize that there are even American citizens who work “under the table” right? Do you know why?

lol - New Yorkers support Californians every day. California has like the fifth largest economy in the world, the whole country supports Californian’s every day. And Californians support other parts of the country every day.

Are we all being forced? I don’t think so.

Really? You think you can opt out? Good luck with that. :laughing:

lol - You’re definitely the glass is half empty kind of guy, aren’t you?

Um… You’re the one that just suggested my idea was preposterous because it would be forcing New Yorkers to pay for Californians. And now you are saying that is the current status quo???

Make up your mind and get back to me.

But my suggestion is just that we take the status quo and start to include parts of the world that have been shunned and left behind to this point. That we all start thinking of them as part of us “The world” as a whole and work actively to help them instead of worrying about dumb ass walls to keep them down and us up.

No I’m saying we already do it here. Doing it for everyone would be far worse than what we already have. The only people pushing for it also want one world currency and one system of government. Be careful what you wish for.