Dobbs watch thread (Row v Wade Overturned)

Worked super duper well for abstinence only programs.

Actually, it’s from Bill Gates and Klaus Schwab.






Who got it from Marcuse et al.

Anybody you hear “sustainability” coming out of their cake hole

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You know, they have these wonderful things called condoms, and there are inexpensive pills that women can take. There are numerous other methods, including abstinence, that can be used that are far more palatable then murdering babies.


You know they have this wonderful thing called alcohol and it’s pretty inexpensive. They have this other called hormones and those are free.

Mother Nature doesn’t care.

Yes. Please keep calling women stupid for being unable to prevent pregnancies.

Wooooo! You said the drunken slut part out loud! SHAME!


Meanwhile, illegal immigration explained? :person_shrugging:

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I didn’t. I asked you if you are.

Why are they “unable”?

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The Georgia Guidestones stands as testament to the Left’s desire to reduce populations. Their goal has been stated to be no more than 500 million people worldwide.

In a time when Democrats are running around tearing down monuments, it must be noted that this one has never been in danger of removal. I guess they like the idea.

Married couples get drunk and horny too. Damn sluts!

Dual income to buy and use contraception.

Hooray! Next level wackadoodelry achieved

Once upon a time in more civilized days, there was a stigma attached to becoming an unwed mother. The fear of becoming a social outcast was enough to make both men and women more aware of their obligation not to engage in inappropriate behavior. Check out the number of single mother households today and compare that to the 1950’s or 1960’s

Believe it or not, those were better times.

And then forget about it in a fit of drunken hormone induced stupor. Consequences! :joy:

You keep dreaming of that time. You know what else begins with once upon a time?

Now we’re back to stupid.

It appears you don’t understand how birth control pills work.

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