Dobbs watch thread (Row v Wade Overturned)

I think the right is quickly working towards the point where relying on the passivity of the majority isn’t going to last much longer.

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In a perfect world states and the fed would get out of the marriage business entirely. They discriminate against single people and cohabitors. We accept it for some ungodly reason.

Unfortunately the world isn’t perfect. And the state has an obligation, no a duty, to treat people the same regardless of their background or sexuality or any other descriptor in regards to state programs.

There are people who wish to destroy that. Obergefell should stand to stop that from happening.

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For real. I’d like to thank Trump for selecting justices that agree with the 14th amendment.


Yeah… let’s vote on your marriage.


Those do not represent the majority of the right youth.

They are political extremists.

That’s no different than saying Antifa represents the left youth. It doesn’t. They are political extremists.

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This. The disapproval from the youth is the inability to address the issues that they put them there to work on.


Yes, they do. All I can suggest to you is that you stop hoping. Start looking

They will finish it.

They aren’t libs.

They are anarchists.


You aren’t paying attention, they are hemorrhaging black and Hispanic voters as well.

How do you think straight people got marriage licenses from the states? Federal court decree?

Should leftist youth be judged based on the Antifa movement?

I would say they shouldn’t.

Could you clarify your position please. I seem to remember reading that pre-Obergefell, there were about 1,100 federal laws that were impacted by marital status. They ranged from various provisions of the tax code, to inheritance, to medical decision making, eligibility for benefits, rights of property, etc…


  • No social security payments to non-working widows,
  • No joint income tax returns,
  • The military will not pay to relocate spouses to new duty stations, nor would they be protected under status of forces agreements when serving tours overseas,
  • etc…


#1 Should all civil marriage provisions recognizing the family relationship between spouses be stricken?

#2 Say a couple is legally civilly married in state “A”, then because of military reassignment or their job transfers them to state “B” which has no recognition of civil marriage, should the federal government still recognize the legal civil marriage entered into under in state “A” just as it does with different sex couples?

Thank you.



Here’s another win for the right—seriously, no sarcasm. Favorable ratings of Supreme Court have declined sharply in past year | Pew Research Center

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We don’t decide constitutional issues with popularity contests.


Well… seeing the ■■■■■■■ that has occurred with it since Scalia died it isn’t a surprise.

This is not correlation. These are trained and active cadre.

In very small numbers.

And let’s not act like certain segments of the left aren’t well trained and armed.

Of course being armed isn’t a crime in this country. So that aspect of it isn’t a problem for me.

It will be interesting to see the impact of this decision on voter demographics in the coming years. Trump**, as a result of McConnell’s manipulation to pack the court, has had Roe overturned.

(Which I’m not that against, btw.)

Now that the issue has been handed squarely into the hand of the DEMs will be to see if they can mobilize the issue in upcoming elections this year and the years to come to reinstall access based on changes to State Legislatures through the voting process.

Now we have to see if the DEMs will be able to snatch defeat from the jaws of victory again.


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I’m not arguing with your hope anymore. Good luck with the wishful thinking.

You carried on enough for everybody.