Do you suffer from white guilt?

I do not. And I never will. I do not engage in systemic racism. And I never will. I don’t believe that I owe anything to anybody. And I rate my race relations as a ten on a scale of one to ten. Candice Owens describes this perfectly. Millions of people are acting like babies. Pointing fingers and crying. The purpose of this thread is not to condemn others but to question your own white guilt.

Do you suffer from white guilt? Do you owe anything to anybody? What will do to end your systemic racism?

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Nope, I do not.

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Should I put you down as as yes? You do suffer from white guilt?

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Do i suffer from white guilt or owe anyone anything?


No one should suffer from white guilt based on Slavery.

MAYBE Jim Crow… since a lot of Boomers are still alive today who may have participated in Jim Crow and all of the fringe commentary around it.

“Guilt” should only be felt if you think you did something wrong. If you didn’t, then why should there be guilt?


I do not suffer from white guilt. I owe myself and society acknowledgment that racism exists and a commitment to learning and sharing about racial justice.


I do not suffer from some mythical white guilt.

I am happy to laugh in the face of anyone who tells me about my “White Privilege”.

This comment from Ms. Owens in the linked article is really good.

"Systemic racism “is not at all an obstacle to black Americans today,” Owens said. “There is no systemic racism. There is no law. There is nothing that says I cannot do something as a black person that you can do, so it’s completely false. What we’re really talking about is the fact that people want to absolve themselves of personal responsibility, and we’re being helped.

“If there is anything that is systemic in America today, it is white guilt. It’s been institutionalized, it’s been politicized, politicians [and] white people feeling bad for themselves and therefore allowing people – allowing black people and white people alike – you know, Antifa and Black Lives Matter to run around and act like toddlers, right?” Owens continued. “There is an emotional immaturity that is happening in black America, and it is spawned by the education system which shapes you from the time you are in kindergarten to believe that because you are black, you can’t in America. When you keep telling a child over and over again they can’t because-, they won’t, right? They will begin to believe in their own futility.”

If there is an obstacle to any ethnic population in America it’s the breakdown of the family, fatherless children and the breakdown of the family are a far bigger problem than my mythical “White Privilege” and the “White Guilt” I’m supposed to feel as a result.


No…I suffer no guilt. I’m just thankful that I was born in USA.


Is this the same Candace Owens who accused her school of racism?


You know…There in lies the biggest problem.

So many people just hate what this country stands for and are trying to replace it with…with pure stupidity.

If the people wasting their time and resources trying to claim some unknown privilege from everybody else is keeping them down would invest that same time and energy in lifting themselves up we would all be better off.


I love this quote:

Systemic racism “is not at all an obstacle to black Americans today,” Owens said. “There is no systemic racism. There is no law. There is nothing that says I cannot do something as a black person that you can do, so it’s completely false.

Do you agree?

I agree with her. I was born at a time when real systemic racism still existed so i know what it looks like…what we have now isn’t it!

Right? What do illegal invaders know that American liberals do not know?

That the United States is so amazing, they are willing to risk their lives to get here.

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They aren’t spoiled brats yet.

Former Never Trumper until she saw a new revenue stream.


As I’ve said in the past…I’m willing to trade 2 libs for 3 illegals that wants to come here and make better lives for themselves.

True. They have not been taught victimology yet or to hate America.

Do you agree?

Systemic racism “is not at all an obstacle to black Americans today,” Owens said. “There is no systemic racism. There is no law. There is nothing that says I cannot do something as a black person that you can do, so it’s completely false.