Do You Know joe? Woman Says biden Was Ogling and Complimenting Her Breasts When She Was Just 14. He was 65

Anything to deflect I guess.

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It does when it Trump Supporters commenting on it… Don’t worry about Joe. You elected ■■■■■ grabbing Trump to the highest office in the land.

Some ask their age others use the sniff test


Indeed :rofl:

“Woman Says biden Was Ogling and Complimenting Her Breasts When She Was Just 14. He was 65”

You can’t hold his youthful indiscretions against him.

Nothing on Hirono?

does trump have incestual sexual attraction to his daughter?

it only does to you

You said it, not me.

I kinda think he does which is weird. Based on some odd statements he’s made. And photos.

They couldn’t get Trump with it. But they almost got Kavanaugh. I said at the time of the Kavanaugh hearings that this would become the common political tactic. I just didn’t expect it to happen to lib politicians too.

For the record, and because of my supposition during the Kavanaugh hearings, I really have my doubts about the allegations against Biden.

Too bad we can no longer defeat a politician because of the political positions he holds. Now it’s going to come down to the one who can better withstand the onslaught of tawdry allegations ending up winning a political race.


pls answer the question

thats your unfortunate opinion

I understand your point. To me, any time Biden is attacked on this subject it is a reasonable comeback to remind about Trump’s accusers and past. But…the problem for Biden is that he was supposed to be decent Biden vs lecherous Trump. That was to be his big advantage.
That is what has largely been lost.

They’re his unfortunate comments.

His family needs to suffer and his life ruined!!

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because he and his family were attacked mercilessly with no credible evidence

anything else you need reprogramming on?


scandal free baby

Looking is not touching. Fail.

google at it too