Do you genuinely believe that Trump is a good leader to have in a time of crisis?

No he didn’t. It’s Groundhog Day. Amazing how this belief has permeated certain segments of our population.

No. There was not a travel ban. There was an ineffective restriction placed regarding travel of people direct from China, but over 100 flights per day were still flooding into the United States with people who had been in China but had a single stop outside of that country prior to landing in the US. There was also unrestricted travel for American citizens to and from China. There was also unrestricted goods being transported into the US, along with the personnel carrying those goods. Which then were shipped all across the country. There was NOT a ban.

you saw the order.

whatever you want to imagine and say otherwise is up to you

Excellent post.

“He sounds just like us!”

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you saw the wording of the order.

desperate narratives in attempts to blame trump for inaction or poor decisions so democrats dont look so pathetic in chasing the great white impeachment whale while this all was getting worse

save it for the uninformed.

It is not imagination. Imagination is claiming that Trump instituted a “travel ban” from China. This is a real world issue, where real Americans are getting sick and dying. Accurate, truthful, honest information is more important now than ever!

It has nothing to do with Democrats. Your deflection is noted. I’m specifically correcting misinformation, so the uninformed do not continue to believe the false narrative that Trump implemented a “travel ban.” That misinformation does not help anything at all here.

This is my primary issue with him. I love where he complained about “inheriting bad test kits” - For a virus that didnt exist 1 year ago?

Instead of blaming everything on “the previous administration”, how about putting his big boy pants on and stop looking for someone to blame and just say “this is where we’re at and this is what we’re going to do about it”


Yet the travel restrictions on 5 countries were a “ban on Muslims”, fascinating.


No they were not. That was as absurd of a claim as the current claim that Trump implemented a “travel ban” on China.

Only because he disbanded the one that already existed.

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esp if it matches democrat narratives huh?


more narrative nonsense

don’t forget “he called the virus a hoax”

ha. good point

Nope it actually existed.

They’re going to kick you out of The Club.

This is not about Democrats, no matter how desperately you want to force that narrative into existence. This is about the truth man. Come on, people are dying. Let’s be honest now, if ever.


I’ve been a “Club of One” for longer than most here have been alive.

Ok, if you say so.

and more would be if it werent for trumps early actions