Do not believe ANYTHING the feds say about Covid

Same. I’ve seen no evidence that government officials should be trusted more than your average used care salesman. None what so ever.


Not big pharma’s fault. Every single corporation in the world will take maximum advantage of every opportunity given them. Big pharma is exactly the same as all the rest. No better, no worse.

Particularly not this bunch of power hungry progressives.

Each of these 20 year debacles has a big corp that receives a massive profit off the back of it. This one is going to be a bigger gold mine for money and power than that last couple of debacles. Way more effective than the GWoT, and it will likely end up being more effective than the Red Scare too. Huge victory for my employers.

Let’s nationalize big pharma. I’m with you!

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The biggest victory this time around is that the left has gone full-retard on board with big corp. The human guinea pig potential is huge.

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So the “they” who are wanting to keep people wearing masks are relying on variants to do so.

Step 1: Variants keep people wearing masks.

Step 2: ???

Step 3: Profit.

Slowing the spread of the virus is what the goal is.

9/11 miss, WMD’s, Russian Collusion, Wuhan lab cover up… You can’t trust any federal agency! They are full of dem political hacks. IRS corruption. Lawless CDC. and tons more…

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That’s what you wish your compliance will reward you with. Therapeutics are the long term answer to a virus with a 99%+ survival rate that’s also getting less lethal.

If that were true, the borders would be closed.


The CDC probably helped pay for the Chinese to scour bat caves for the worlds most nasty virus and then to have gain of function research done on it.

That’s just Stupid.


It’s like they don’t watch the news. Oh, wait they only go to govt/facebook sanctioned “news” sites…

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But it was effective. Look at how scared and meek they are.

Wouldn’t a good way to take this “power” away be getting vaxxed and doing everything else you can do to stop the spread?

“Compliance” is a strange way to describe the understanding that vaccinations cut down on rate of infection and morbidity if infected.

To each their own I guess.

They should be.

Scary varies right before the finish line, as predicted. :wink:

But they aren’t. So now what?

Your compliance runs way deeper than that. :wink:

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