Do millennials really know who and what they're really voting for?

What sources do you recommend these impressionable young people consume?

Fox and Friends?

What? Old bitter conservatives complaining about the younger generation?

Must be a day ending in Y…


already resorting to these tactics so early in the thread

you still need proof that millenials see the media through portable devices?

So your main point was that millennial use technology and electronics, so you chose to use the big 3 and traditional television to make that point… okay.

Statista is used by thousands of Fortune 500 companies, consulting firms, and business schools. It’s a terrific source of data. Take a tour sometime - you’ll learn something.

i am not recommending anything

You should ask some millennials that vote for the Democrats to even try naming just 5 things that the Democratic party represents. Try asking 10. See how many can eve name more than 2 things. lol.

while leftists are harrassing the admin in overtime

seems op has a good point to me

You guys are so picked on.

I swear I haven’t heard so much whining since my kids got out of their teen years.

You control all three branches of government and STILL whine about being victimized.


Certainly not. I do want to have a discussion regarding what media they’re exposed to. It certainly ain’t Yahoo News I can tell you that much.

To the larger point, which you’re ignoring completely. Internet is the great equalizer. There’s left wing and right wing propaganda. Young people can and are indoctrinated with pro-Trump media just the same as they’re indoctrinated with anti-Trump media. Ask your Trump supporting family member where they were indoctrinated.

The right used to and still does claim that left wing media had a near monopoly, which is why they are so successful at “indoctrinating” people. That hasn’t been the case for long time and no longer is an adequate excuse, arguably since Fox News came about and even less so since the internet became our predominant way of consuming media.

To the last point, again which you ignored. Do you think young people are more susceptible to indoctrination than older people? Are liberals more susceptible than conservatives? Do you think you’re one family member is indoctrinated to liberal thought but your other family member who happens to support Trump isn’t?

Do you know how old Millennials are?

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Can you name Democratic stances that aren’t straw men?

your party are the ones with all of the activist groups that have been around for how long?
They’ve been whining for over 40+ years about crap.
Maybe trying being a little objective next time? Maybe we do whine a little, but it’s mainly because we are so sick and tired of getting used, and screwed over by the lies and bs for year and years and years on end. And the Democrats abusing the system to the point of overthrowing the Constitution, and simply writing their own laws.

If they are like the liberal meltdown who are protesting Judge Kavanaugh’s nomination to the #SupremeCourt, I would say no. Kavanaugh’s nomination to the SupremeCourt by @POTUS has touched off lunatic meltdown; Dims warn of ‘deaths of countless women.’ Bout all I can say is Trump Derangement Syndrome has run amok. Dim simpletons, many who voted for Hillbillary Clinton, are coming out of the woodwork like cockroaches. #SCOTUS #RoevWade

what like free health care for all, even if you’re an illegal immigrant?
open boarders?
pro-choice and letting women murder innocent children?
Trying to take the second amendment away from people.
What are some of the Conservative stances? Without simply just naming
the opposite of what I’ve already named.

The oldest of us are on the downslope to forty and picking up speed. Median age would be late twenties if you’re saying 1980-2000.

What do you think of the Stockton, California experiment on Universal Income?

the early 80’s to the early 2000’s. Are you going to always reply to my questions with a question? While I answer your questions, and you won’t answer mine? That doesn’t make for a good debate, or being logical, but ok.

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Dude you think millennials watch network news. Or have cable for that matter.

Statistically speaking, almost all you boomers and most of you Gen X types would have been married with kids, punching a clock and paying a mortgage a couple to a few years before the median age of millennials and you act like we’re twelve. And retards.


I’m glad someone is thinking about what a post-labor economy looks like. I’m not sure this experiment is going to be broadly generalizable and I doubt we ever have universal basic income, at least not in our lifetimes, but we will have something like it through a patchwork of other programs.