Do Dems Love America Also?

Why do people seem to think that how much one loves this country is some sort of a competition?
Truth is most people only like what they are afforded, they do little if anything to advance it’s greatness.
Don’t understand that point? Go stand in front of a mirror and ask yourself … what have I done today to make America “Great”?

Nothing is “wrong” with it. It’s cute in a bedtime story to your toddler kind of way.

What causes dissension are those who are not realists and believe they can force it happen.

Right, it means America wasn’t great in 2016.

An American who takes pride in America, in our achievements is synonymous to you with Nazi Germany and Stalin’s Russia?

America can only mean three things:
1.The land mass,
2.The population,
3.The government.

  1. I don’t love real estate.
  2. 99.990% of the population I don’t know. Of the ones I do know- I love some of them- I like some of them- I’m neutral on some of them- I dislike some of them- I intensely dislike some of them.
  3. I don’t love governments- any government.

The “union” refers to government. A union of states. You seem to be referring to people?

It describes to the vision of the founders. I happen to like it.

Ignore that typo

What does?

Um…….the preamble

I like this one

Each state retains its sovereignty, freedom, and independence, and every Power, Jurisdiction and right, which is not by this confederation expressly delegated to the United States, in Congress assembled.

You think those fountains were there to preserve black privilege?

Absolutely not. Did you ever see one?

Twas a noble effort.

No - too young and/or wrong region of the country.

Why do you think they were in place?

That worked like a charm.

Black Thirst Matters.

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Don’t be coy, this is me you’re talking to.

Did blacks get those fountains to keep their water untainted by white lips?

I’m not being coy. Separate but equal was court ruling. Until it wasn’t.

Did you not see where I answered, “Absolutely not”?

I had jury duty a while back in a courthouse I knew as a kid. I remembered very clearly seeing the water fountains and restrooms. The building hasn’t changed.