Do border barriers really work?

Learned a new word today I see…


I don’t doubt it a bit considering who you worked for.

Ah so. I can’t promise there were no crimes committed, but as far as I know I’m not wanted in Arizona.

Don’t be trite.

It was private. The young man went to West Point.

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Do fences around your yard keep people out?

Of course they do.

Do they keep the dedicated miscreants out? Of course not. They aren’t supposed to halt the flow like a dam. That are supposed to slow it to a manageable level.

The weeds keep people out of my yard. :smiley:

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Actually when you think about it dams do the same thing. There would be no hydroelectric power without water flow. :grin:

Claymores around the perimeter here work pretty well. :sunglasses:

The wall doesn’t keep people out, its the people on the other side patrolling it.

No its not.

Yes. But if I ever did want to mow I’d have to clear them first.

A proverbial unwelcome mat has different psychological ramifications from an open door policy.

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Of course it is. We’ve spent a great deal of time here discussing all of the other things that are needed as well such as RDF capability, electronic monitoring, expanding the courts and aerial surveillance.

You claim was utterly false.

There are like 4 people in Congress who are infavor of “Open Borders”

The wall slows them down a great deal so it’s a deterrent.

The delay also allows for much more timely response for those that decide to try it and increases capture rates before they penetrate to the interior as well.

Both act as deterrents. The fact that in some areas as much as a 95-98% reduction in attempts after the new and improved barriers are installed prove conclusively that they work.

The whole sanctuary movement tells a different story.

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The Sanctuary movement is about local government not detaining people without due process because the Federal government asks them too.

If you want someone detained get a Judge to issue a warrant.,

Detainers are not issued by a Judge they violate due process.

Another complete fabrication. The “sanctuary movement” is to give illegals a place to feel shielded from federal authorities.

In many of them laws have been passed to prevent state and city employees from cooperating in any way with ICE.

We’ve even seen one mayor go so far as to warn illegals when ICE raids were coming and democrats across the country telling them how to avoid capture and deportation.

You’re just making things up now.

Just because a bunch o whiney progressives demanded something was due to illegal aliens doesn’t meant it should have been, ever.

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