Do black teeth matter?

How did you come by that bit of knowledge? From your brother or from your own experience?

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The first dentist I ever knew was a girl named Tammy who was built like a battleship and knocked out dudes.

Do you mean like the outrage over George Floyd’s death ended when the cop was arrested?

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Maybe it was a family matter not related to the rally. :wink:

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You know full well it doesn’t make any difference.

It was a blind side cheap shot.

It was a hate crime.

It was a coward move.

Awesome taste in women dude.

And 30.

But it the expertise it takes to do that makes Tommy proud. :wink:

Whose taste? You guys have schools in Alaska right?

Been trying to tell you the “real” Antifa dudes are mostly white hundred forty pound vegan anarchists with Snidely Whiplash mustaches who ride single gear bicycle for like five months.

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Schools? Are you saying that you have to go to school to learn how to be a “dentist”?

You’re beginning to worry me. She’s just some girl I went to school with.

Hate crime charge…Good.

It really is a small world.

You go with girls that knock out guys teeth and you are worried about me? :laughing:

Don’t google it.

Who needs Google when we have the foremost expert on the topic right here in this thread. :wink:


That is what I looked at in the video.

It was a white agitator.

Yes, yes and yes. He’s going to love prison! :blush: