Do any of these former and current Republicans stand a chance of winning the primary against Trump?

He could hardly tweet when he was too gutless and cowardly to turn up for a debate. That is why he would turn up.


Trump is the GOP through and through.

Canā€™t blame him on ā€œlibsā€


Finally - someone within the Republican party that admits that the Republicans chose a liberal as their president.

Kudos for being honest on that point.


It really has been interesting to watch from a sociological point of view. The Republicans had the White House, both houses of Congress, and the Supreme court for 2 years. Complete control of government at the federal level - and they STILL managed somehow - against all odds - to paint themselves as victims.

It defies logic.


Absolutely! And the key in your post is the bold as well. Logic cannot coexist within the realm of the GOP in its current iteration.

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Yep - the nomination and subsequent election of Trump was all about emotion. I get it to some degree - I was fed up with the republicans at the time as well. But, I chose to vote for Ted Cruz - who was still not establishment at the time, but was a hell of a lot more mature than Trump.

Of course, since then heā€™s had his spine removed - so Iā€™d never vote for him again. But, at the time, he was a hell of a lot better choice.

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Same here. I was a Cruz supporter through and through. Never again of course.

But to your first point regarding emotion, that nails it. And it is still emotionally driven. Trumpism personifies the emotional state of his base. Angry. Victimized. Aggrieved. Hatred of an ā€œother.ā€ Need to blame someone else for the crappy lot in life they have. Fearful of some evil opposition that their media masters have convinced them exists.


It just shows how far you all strayed from you so0called principles.

What Trump pushing is nothing more then blue dog democrat policies.

You all know it. But you all moved to extreme radicalism that leads to authoritarian rule.

He won as a Republican. He was a dem his whole life. He won using dem tricks taken to an extreme.


I can tell you I am well to the right of where the current Republican party is. That is why when the went so far to the left that they nominated Trump, I was done with them.

And I can tell you I know a lot of other conservatives who are done with the now liberal Republican party as well.


Yeah OKā€¦

Dems. 2008-10

You seem agitated. Mad that we donā€™t love Trump as much as you do. Itā€™s ok. Really. It is. That just means your club will have fewer members, but the ones it does have will be so very dedicated to him and his mission. I think youā€™ll find comfort in that.


Actual conservatives (and Iā€™m not talking about Trump supporters here) pretty much have to exist outside of the party system now. The only 2 parties that even come close to being conservative now that I can think of are the Constitution Party and the Libertarian Party. Probably more so with the libertarian party.


Why are you all insistent in make this about me? You all canā€™t debate YOUR policies?

Too funny.

We need a bull ā– ā– ā– ā–  button like the heart button.


One canā€™t be an actual conservative and not support some of Trumpā€™s policies?

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That should leave a markā€¦

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Letā€™s see - since he has taken office, he has:

  1. Run a deficit every year
  2. Run the debt even higher
  3. Pushed for universal healthcare coverage, with the government paying for those who canā€™t afford it
  4. Run up taxes via tariffs (although I will give him credit for signing a bill that offset some of that on the income tax end)
  5. Run amok with Executive Orders

Doesnā€™t sound too conservative to me.


Tax cut
Illegal immigration
Fighting back against unfair trade deals
Staying out of wars
Judges who respect the Constitution

Seems like some pretty conservative policies to me.