Do all blacks really vote alike, Joe?

Yes. Let me see if Booker T Washington thought that was racist when he had a host of white people telling him how he needed to act to get funding for HBCUs

There is a history of black people telling black people how to act in a white dominated environment.

Not sure where you example is going but it need context.

Take the word away. Still attaching intelligence to skin color is racist.

Telling someone they aren’t black isn’t. Stupid but I don’t think it passes MY test

isn’t question someone “Blackness” a common insult within the black community?

Apparently…as old white man said. :wink:

Your post is a problem…may want to edit that.

That is simply false.

this whole thread has been old white men telling two African-Americans what is and isn’t racist.

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Yes. Just like calling each other the N word is as well (even though I don’t partake).

The line here is when a white person says it… is it racist or not. My position, with what Biden said, is no. Stupid but he shouldn’t speak for us like that.



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Who is more qualified to judge someone’s blackness than pearly white Joe?

He’s not qualified and that’s the point

Biden was not in a white dominated environment. One man, one vote.

I am extremely disappointed in your defense of this blatant racism.

I understand you have a lot invested in hating Trump, but this is disappointing.

If Trump said “If you can’t decide who to vote for me or Obama, you ain’t white” I would call him a racist ■■■■ , no if or buts. Because he would be.

And whoever this Jemille person is leaped to TDS and you agreed with her. “WhataboutTrump!!!”

That’s ridiculous. You libs have been calling Trump a racist for years because he said “Mexico is sending us…” He didn’t say “If you aren’t a rapist, you ain’t Mexican.” But you’ll let this go.

And you are ignoring Biden’s history. What did he say about the 1st Black President?

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Nope. One in particular. Joe Biden. The chief justice of who we are allowed to call black.

As said by an old white man.

I bet you thought you had something there.

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I agree.
Like I said, all he did was repeat what many of us discuss in our circles. Wasn’t his place to say it, however for 90% of us who didn’t vote for Trump’s dumb ass, where’s the lie?

Then tell me how I should think… I promise I won’t think it’s racist.


His boss? Who highly respects him. Who is black (who had people telling him he wasn’t throughout his presidency)?

What did he say?

questioning someone “Blackness” is common in the black community.
it exist it a lot of minority cultures.

But me telling you if you don’t think a certain way you’re not really your race is not?

They do that because they feel entitled to do so. This is one of the roots to many of the problems in this country. My response, to hell with that entitlement attitude and privilege.