Divided America - the greatest danger since Civil War days

The GOP came with an entirely inadequate offer, and history already tells us to doubt the good faith of the GOP.

But all of that aside, why are you play acting all of this outrage over unity? We all know nothing will ever satisfy you.

No. Biden took the meeting, the R offer was inadequate, and he moved on without them.

Which I applaud, BTW: the R’s aren’t interested in governance, and haven’t been for years. Grievance and obstruction is what passes for Republican leadership these days

I would hope that many of them are not bad faith. The last couple of years in the house they have been pretty cooperative. I am just hoping it was not because that any bill passed was going to the grim reaper.
And at least now McConnell can’t keep bills from going to committee. And it will be interesting to see if they stay with the skinny bill proposal. From what I saw last week the polling on that stinker was horrible.

Because we all knew that jbidens call for unity was a lie.
But here we are with you finding excuses for the old pervert.
The offer was a starting point. That is how negotiations are done. But we know that leftist believe the way you negotiate is to come in and say this is what we want and we won’t take anything else. Either vote for what we want or we will go around you and get what we want. History has shown us that this is true of the democrats. We never have any faith that the leftist will live up to their word.
We were not the ones calling for unity. That was you all. Seems that was a lie told by jbiden and the leftist to get the old pervert in the white house.
With all your pearl clutching over trump and his lies one would think you would be holding jbiden to a higher standard instead of defending his lies. So why cover for the old pervert when we know that you all never planned to work across the aisle?


Just remember all the shenigans around the ACA and ARRA. If the Republicans want to contribute, fine. But never again should they be allowed to jerk us around, vote against it, and then sit back to complain and criticize. And you can see some of that in this very thread.


Open borders.
Government mandates.
Energy dependence.
High taxes.
Intervention in foreign wars.
Caving to China on trade.
Caving to Iran on everything.

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Joe Biden was around for ALL of the Republican nonsense during Obama’s term.

He took the meeting, the offer was inadequate, and he moved on without them.

Incidentally, your bad faith is on display with ad hominem attacks like “old perv”. And for the record, I personally have no interest in unity with the right. Over the last 12 years they have proven that they aren’t fit to govern, they are untrustworthy, and will destroy our country if that’s what it takes to retain power.


See this is why no one believed that any leftist ever wanted unity.
I negotiate a lot of contracts. The owner of the project comes in and says this is what I will pay you for the work I want done. I come back and say no I need this amount to do the work. From there we negotiate a price.
Leftist think the way to negotiate is to say this is what we want. When the GOP comes back and says this is what we will agree to. The left does not come back with a counter offer. No they say agree with us or we will go around you and get what we want.
Which is why the leftist are not interested in governance and haven’t been for years. They will use every trick in the book to get what they want so they don’t have to work with the other side. This is what passes for democratic leadership these days. They don’t want to work with anyone. They are like children who only want things their way and no one else matters.


people need to stop getting their news from memes on facebook.

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The republicans were never allowed to contribute to the ACA.
They were shut out from the beginning. I remember.
The left try to cover for shutting the GOP out by saying we gave them this or that. When what they gave was stuff to get members of the own party in red states to go along with the bill. Let’s not tell fairy tales lets tell the truth of what went down.

My favorite days in politics was when John McCain did the thumb down on the Senate floor. And then the great speech he gave scolding the Republicans for being ■■■■■■■■■■
I am hoping that Biden gets some good things done and if so the public will get behind him. And then the Republicans will have the decision to get on board or lose more seats. The mid-terms will be interesting this time around.

I only speak for myself , not every leftist.

Biden has shown throughout his history that he prefers bipartisan action. And again, he was around for the Republican bait and switch of the Obama years. He is allowed to learn the lesson of Republican perfidy.

And again, it is clear that nothing will satisfy you. Why are you insisting on this theater of unity?

I don’t hide what someone is. Jbiden is an old pervert accept that is what you voted for.
I never called for unity. I want the people I send to dc to fight for what I want and not lay down and go along to get along.
Seems you have things wrong. It’s the left who have shown that they are untrustworthy and will destroy our country to if thats what it takes to stay in power.
I don’t seem to ever remember the GOP wanting to silence the left. Deprogram them. And if that is not possible to exterminate them.

Blame it on Fweedom

You want to ban/censor memes now? Memes, like cartoons, distill opinion into an image. No one “gets” their news from memes. In memes they recognise aspects of news they have already “got”.

Because the liar jbiden said that was what he was all about.
Remember his speech. He was not going to be president of just those who voted for him. He was going to be president and work for everyone.
Seems he lied. Working for everyone means you give the other side some of what they want and listen to their needs.
Nope he showed out of the starting gate that he had no intentions of working for anyone but the far left.
He is the man he has always been. He has never been bipartisan what a joke.
Keep defending the old liar. Seems you like liars as long as they have a d after their name.

Isn’t it funny, you would think instead one would look at Puerto Rico and say see this is what happens with socialism your country fails. Instead the left “Bring em in, we want some of that”. Why can’t we look at nations with maybe a good economy and GDP to bring in instead of failed states.

Okay, I guess I missed out on what changed. Years ago I read that every year PR voted not to become a state. That way they got most of the advantages of statehood but didn’t have to pay taxes. What the hell has changed?

Not sure what changed for Puerto Rican’s, but I do know the majority now support statehood when previously they didn’t.

They need to be bailed out.