Disney has lost 200 BILLION DOLLARS in Two Years


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…as some still shop at Target but…they’re hurting big time for the bizness choice to get involved in something that splits their market. Now…do you understand the basics? Get woke…go broke.


You make as much sense now as you did about BLM. :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


The OP argument reminds me about every time a hurricane hit the US Pat Robertson would say it was God punishing the US for homosexuality.

Now losses have gone past the OP’s 165 billion.

“Disney has lost an astounding $200 billion in market value since it went ultra-woke and picked a fight with Governor Ron DeSantis right here in Florida,” Bolling pointed out in contradiction to Iger’s claims about Disney’s business that CNBC’s David Faber did not challenge.


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Not because of “woke”.

Here’s the headline of the article Mr. BLM :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:

‘You’ve Been Getting Slaughtered’: Bolling Blasts Bob Iger For Trying to Hide Disney’s Woke Politics and Big Losses With Soft CNBC Interview

You really need to think things through and farther out before you speak.


Well if Bolling says it :rofl:

Disney now owns three of the top 5 highest grossing movies of 2023 so far. 4 in the top 10.
And is the third largest streaming platform.

In 2022, they had three in the top 10
2021 they had 2
2019 they had 5

How do you explain that?

Welcome to 2023 and Disney’s losses due to their wokeism being exposed and the reaction of parents who want better for their children.


They have 4 of the most popular movies in 2023… how do you explain that?


Maybe I’m missing something.

How is Disney turning so much profit if they are going broke?

Profits UP 13% over the same quarter last year.


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Well if @PurpnGold dmsays it :rofl:

Cutting costs?

Either way you look at it, increasing profits by 13% over the same period the year before isn’t going broke.

Going broke is baking less money.


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You’re an excuse maker…

Disney has lost nearly $900M on its recent film flops


How do you explain that? :sunglasses: :tumbler_glass:


Looking at only part of the picture.

So let’s take an example from the YouTuber that was linked to in the article. Thor: Love and Thunder.

A move’s profit/loss is not determine by US Box Office (Theatrical) receipts only. You have factor in other receipts such as outside US box office, digital delivery, streaming revenue, etc.

Thor Love and Thunder, which the YouTuber cited, didn’t have a loss. It had a profit (as of last April) of $103,000,000. Meaning the number is higher now.


So Disneys movies are still the most popular but they are losing money…on movies.

Being the most popular is the result of woke?

…and 900 minus 103 =? No matter how anyone rational looks at this, Disney is suffering financially…in large numbers…for their woke choices…period.

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Being the most popular had to do with Walt and the beat he had Disney march to. Now he’s long gone and has been replaced by woke CEOs who have taken his reputation and destroyed it.


No, today…Disney has 4 of 10 of the most popular movies. Is that the result of woke?