Discussion of redistricting lines for 2022 election going on right now

It is my understanding that states are currently working towards finalizing re-district as a result of 2020 Census. Outside of hearing former NJ Governor Christie while peddling his own book saying he is working on it for the Republican Party, I hear very little out there now on this. Here is an article I found which kind of highlights the basics 101 - state by state. Still very confusing for at least me. Anyone else out there especially who has a better handle on the finer details please consider posting up here.

Democrats don’t give a damn about Maryland. Nothing will change there. Most gerrymandered state in the country now and silence from the left on that.

And most states from what I gather leave it up to their legislatures to pass district maps and the governor signs it into law.

That’s why Maryland won’t change- Dems have a veto proof majority and they have zero interest in loosening their gerrymandered grasp one bit.

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Is it just me or does it seem like Democrats take this redistricting state by state a lot more serious than Republicans?

It must be you… see Texas, Ohio …

North Carolina. R

Illinois. D

Texas r

Maryland d

Ohio r

Gerrymandering is a non partisan issue.


How about Florinda for one? One of these articles mentions Dems are relatively happy with redistricting efforts thus far. This might be a red flag (pun intended)…

And now democrats are making the one Republican district in Maryland weaker. Turning it into a swing district by creating an even more â– â– â– â– â– â–  up shape. And democrats are cheering them on.

And there’s nothing republicans can do about it. They’re going to wipe republicans off of Maryland’s map… even though 1/3 of the state is registered Republican. All you Dems love that, don’t you?

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and republicans are doing the same to democrats.
but you have no problem with that, right?

So you don’t care when Dems do it… thanks.

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They did a good job in Florida because they have to per the state constitution.


Just like you don’t care when repubs do it. “elections have consequences”… or something.

Thanks for that. Are there other states not previously mentioned in a similar boat like Florida?

If so, about how many others and please consider listing them too.

Funny- Biden administration is suing Texas over redistricting but not Maryland… talking about partisan ■■■■■■■■ - Dems really don’t give a damn about gerrymandering when it’s their own doing it.


They are suing for ethnic discrimination. Which is a no-no.

Political gerrymandering is a okay.


in which red state are they redistricting to leave zero democrat districts?

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Texas just got sued by the DOJ.

Added two districts due to minority increases in population The new districts were drawn a majority white.

Maryland is a small state with 8 reps.

Easy to gerrymander republicans out.

Just as in texas, where they split Austin into parts to get all of austin into safe Republican districts.



Republicans in Texas have it down to a science.


While you are at it, why not give equal billing to how the Dems are taking out Republican districts too?

For example, in Illinois and RINO Adam Kinzinger. All his current work on the Jan 6th standing committee is not apparently yielding him much of anything. Which has also probably weighed heavily to why he has decided to not run for reelection next year.