Disappointed In President Trump

This is the alternate reality I was mentioning. Right on cue. Thanks!

We no longer debate policy, we debate reality. And that’s a shame.


Obama didnt run on single payer

Individual 1

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Trump could have had $25 billion for the wall almost a year ago. Yet he said no. It was never more than a false promise to dupe his followers. Unfortunately far too many drank deep from his koolaid.

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And what exactly would that get you?

I’ve yet to fathom this kind of attitude.

“Either I get everything I want, or I will be happy to cede the country to the opposition, thereby ensuring I get nothing I want”.

I simply don’t get it??? :confused:

Donald Trump is an unindicted co-conspirator in an illegal conspiracy designed to commit multiple felonies, defraud the American public, and steal a Presidential election. He is a criminal.

There are worse things to support than the opposition having temporary power and moving legislation at the margins.

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Already beat this one to death in multiple threads. No interest in rehashing it here.

In any case, I fully understand what conservative never Trumpers are all about. The OP doesn’t seem to fit into that category.

Well that’s not true. You’ve denied it up to this point. But now with the SDNY sentencing of Cohen and their revelation of the non-prosecution agreement with AMI that confirms the conspiracy and Trump’s participation in these felonies, are you finally admitting he is a criminal who broke the law multiple times to impact the election in his favor?

We know you support him in spite of this. But are you ready to be honest and admit you don’t care he broke the law and defrauded the American people?

That deal came with a required tunnel under the wall… the “tunnel” called “chain migration”. The wall would have been next to useless.

The wall, if ever built, will still be next to useless. With or without chain migration there will be tunnels built beneath it.

If you’re really serious about putting a dent in illegal immigration, go after the employers who give them jobs. Cut off their motive for coming here.

…but we all already know you don’t really care about that.


Bam…and on that…we agree…but a wall is still mandatory IMO.

A wall is superfluous. It is an utter waste of money. If you remove their reason for coming, they won’t come. No wall needed.

Naaa… you really dont know. Maybe you have been lied to. I’m all for locking up employers who willingly or negligently hire illegals.

You just wrote a strawman. Why?

Then…I’d have to trust someone and I’m all out of that. Build the wall…



And when the wall isn’t built, what are you going to do?

No ACA repeal. No wall. No lockherup. But hey, the rich git a big tax cut.

Same as always…keep on, keepin on…

Well, it looks like things won’t be changing much for you…

As I already stated, this has been beat to death in multiple threads. There are differing opinions on this from legal experts. At this time, I’m taking a wait and see. I know that Trump haters don’t want to do that, but hey………

In any case, regardless of how this plays out, I will continue to support the GOP President as long as they are pursuing my agenda. I can’t stress this enough. I’m about ideology and policies, not personalities.