Disappointed In President Trump

Before Donald Trump became president, the United States was mostly a third world country. Obama war president, and everyone knows what he looks like. Now that we have a real leader, and we will soon have better rulers like Putin.

Get over it. Should have known better from the very beginning. I get not voting for Hillary, she was a terrible candidate, but if one couldn’t see through Trump’s BS and the multitude of lies, then you deserve what you get. No disrespect to the OP, but…

“Oh, I say and I say it again, ya been had! Ya been took! Ya been hoodwinked! Bamboozled! Led astray! Run amok! This is what He does”
Denzel Washington as Malcolm X


This is bad schtick. LOL!
Nice try though.

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Arn’t you tired of reading “you got him THIS time.”

Aren’t you tired of posting it?

Take a look at you saying that I am a bad idiot, but you laugh out loud. You send a mixed message. When I try to do something, I always do what I want to do, because if I don’t want it, I won’t do it. Do you understand? I don’t think you understand. When you get used to getting what you want before you get born, it’s not difficult to be a president. Donald Trump is a natural leader.

Aren’t you tired of kissing Trump’s orange butt?

Ask your doctor if refusing to swallow any more of Donald’s bull ■■■■ is right for you.

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Seriously tho, I’m just curious what kind of person has so much loyalty to a politician that he sees no fault in anything that politician says or does. ESPECIALLY, a politician like Donald Trump.

You know what they say:

“Better to sleep with a sober realist than a drunk Trumpist.”

:whale: :black_flag: :white_flag: :black_flag:

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Everything some Trumpists used to rant about Obama supporters supposedly doing? Yeah, they shamelessly indulge in with Donald now.

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It’s something in their psychological makeup. There is a segment of any NFL team’s fanbase that are like that. The team could announce that I’m the starting QB this week (never played football at any organized level), and these types would quickly surface making excuses like “well, he hasn’t thrown an interception yet” or “well, at least we know he hasn’t been ruined by bad coaching”.

Trumpists are right about TDS, but completely off the mark about who’s afflicted.

He’s not in favor of open borders.

Who’s the bigger nitwit: Trump, or the people who believed he had any plan or ability to make good on his promises?



I blame this entire mess on Trump voters and Republican media.

You may get lucky. I heard from some very greatly respectable sources that Putin plans to primary trump.

Huh? I was thinking he might be tired of kissing mine. He’s done exactly what I wanted him to do.

Trump’s WH ploy that exposed Dems being against border security was the perfect lead into…build the wall or shut down it all.