Director of National Intelligence Dan Coats: Russia is Attempting to Influence

here’s more.

there are thousands of examples of Mexicans, Mexican businesses, Mexican media sources, Mexican celebrities and journalists with access to American citizens campaigning for Hillary.

dont pretend.

Well, now there you go. Glad you could finally follow the rules.


Yes. The government has no business “protecting” Americans from speech. The constitution was pretty clear on the subject.

Were Mexican consulates Mexico? They took the unprecedented step of helping their citizens become American citizens so they could vote against Trump.

Did they give money to Hillary’s campaign or campaign here in the States?

Was the stated intent to vote against Trump or is that assumed on your part?

Is that a consistent standard? The country interfering in our election has to clearly tell us what they are doing and why?

Remind me again what Mexico did that was illegal in this regard?

Those goal posts getting heavy yet?

US citizens cannot illegally influence our elections.

I was unaware the country of Mexico was a US citizen.

The Mexicans who became US citizens are.

What were they when they were targeted to influence US elections prior to becoming citizens?


Yes, targeted, how do you think they found out Mexico was holding citizenship clinics?

How did Mexico decide which Mexicans they wanted to get US citizenship?

are you saying no Mexican gave money to Hillary and no Mexican openly communicated their support for Hillary in the real or virtual presence of American voters?

No, I cannot state none did. Do you have evidence any did? You are the one who seems to be claiming or at least implying.

Mexican officials can say whatever they wish to Mexican citizens and it will not break any of our laws.

what do you mean by official? someone who receives a pay check directly from the government? Someone who works in an industry regulated by the government?

It’s no longer clear to me. For example libs - in their zeal to stamp out faith - claim that a high school football coach is an extension of Congress. Would an Mexican public school soccer coach qualify as a Mexican “official”? What about a Mexican radio broadcast station manager who operates under a Mexican government license and whose broadcasts can be heard in the US? A Mexican journalist paid by a Mexican news company who receives Mexican government benefits?

Any Mexican citizen actually.

Do have any evidence that any Mexican citizen gave to Hillary’s campaign? Any evidence they campaigned for her here in the United States?