Dilbert Canceled!

Another crying wolf fail.

Meanwhile, racism against white people is real, and people of color are starting to call each other out over it.

The racist left is losing the race war - once again. :wink:

“I don’t want to have anything to do with them," Adams added. “And I would say, based on the current way things are going, the best advice I would give to White people is to get the hell away from Black people, just get the ■■■■ away … because there is no fixing this.”

The long years of focused indoctrination are paying off.

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“Recent discriminatory comments by the creator, Scott Adams, have influenced our decision to discontinue publishing his comic. While we respect and encourage free speech, his views do not align with our editorial or business values as an organization,” the massive USA Today Network told the New York Post on Saturday.

The “influence” “we” all need to distance ourselves from is the insane BLM bull feces narrative spun by fraudulent African Americans…including our current VP and fed by a corrupt MSM whose goal is to divide this nation. I hope anyone and everyone who truly desires free speech, to tell these papers bye Felicia. Vote with your dollars because that’s all these entities care about…your $.

"Adams, 65, also blamed Black people for not “focusing on education” during the show and said, “I’m also really sick of seeing video after video of Black Americans beating up non-Black citizens.”

Luckily, Dilbert was never funny, so it’s no big deal.

When over 50% of the murders in our entire nation are committed by a small percentage of our population where Adam’s point of not “focusing on education” is a primary cause, tell me…which is more upsetting…a comment some want to label as “racist” or having to face the truth? Shall we point fingers or look at the man in the mirror? Shall “we” begin solving this problem or continue kicking this can down the road of time while the problem continues to exacerbate? Please…tell me what’s in the best interest of all?

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He also prefaced the statement by saying it is anecdotal. Aren’t you sick and tired of seeing it too? Is there any rhyme or reason for it to happen other than the hatred being ginned up as of late?

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Anecdotal. What does he mean by that? Which statement was anecdotal?

“He also said that he was wrongly being canceled, that “you should absolutely be racist whenever it’s to your advantage” and that any change in society is a “racist change,” including changing the tax codes.”

So obviously, he has a few loose screws.

And in closing: In the video from Tuesday that led to backlash, Mr. Adams, who is white, said he had “started identifying as Black” years ago and then brought up a poll by Rasmussen Reports that found that 53 percent of Black Americans agreed with the statement “It’s okay to be white.”

What kind of stupid poll is that? What was its purpose?

Notable members of the black nation have said the exact same thing about education.

Charles Barkley for one.


BLM … Marxists in the woodwork

And Don Lemon.


It’s wrong for you to say it though, (D)epending on your skin color. :wink:


It’s what they call a shock poll. And I think after watching the video which is still up on YouTube the Dilbert guy (using poor choice of words) was trying to pose the question if If those results are true were screwed.

Of course he flubbed it, and in this day and age on the internet the word police are coming for anyone that does he was as they say low hanging fruit for them. I don’t know nothing about the dude other than I don’t like Dilbert and watching his video was as fun as watching paint dry.

He seemed rather humorless to be the guy who writes comics for a living.

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Covid broke his brain.

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He seemed off and extremely boring. I had never watched him before his YouTube channel had only 100k subscribers which is low for someone in his position.

The first three minutes is just watching a man drinking coffee and saying ahhhh. I couldn’t handle him.

He writes comics about engineers, management and marketing…

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He went all in on the anti vax shaming and then figured out they weren’t very good, then started in on the people who got it right we’re just lucky bit, like Sam Harris did, his brain is also broken.


Even if I agree with him on vaxxing.
Even if I think his statement was insensitive but not racist
he still goes on the list of celebrities who ummmm “seriously overestimated” how much the world wants to now his political opinions.