They only assisted the DNC, the Hillary campaign, the FBI, the CIA, the NSA, the DoJ, the State Department and the WH. This is the real den of thieves that is slowly being exposed. They all united to first get Hillary’s potential indictment removed, her elected and when that failed, Trump removed from office. Drip, drip, drip…
Yes, UK had its allies in the Democratic Party and the US surveillance agencies, but I think that the culpability of UK intelligence agents in starting the coup has been ignored.
Is a dagger in the gut from a friend better than a slash with a sword from an enemy? Et tu Britannia?
England is now part of the Deep State.
Good Lord.
Try British intelligence agencies and their contractors.
MI5, MI6, and GCHQ all appear to have a hand in instigating the coup.
Who says the British Empire is dead?
Coup: a brilliant, sudden, and usually highly successful stroke or act
Those brilliant Britisher’s removed Obama from Office so effectively he was powerless after 12:00 noon January 20th 2017,
They were so incompetent that they failed to overthrow the government and the United States Presidency and Congress are still in place.
Wonder which it is.
They were so dastardly that they had information that would cause a “coup” in the US but made sure that the voting public didn’t know that it existed until after the election was over.
You keep saying that. I don’t think “attempt to overthrow the government” means what you think it does.
I find it amazing they “overthrew the government” without a single shot being fired or a single armed super double secret squirrel agent threatening a single public official with a single firearm. Apparently a coup just isn’t what it used to be.
Part of the global conspiracy against Trump. Because nefarious reasons.
What an actual attempted coup look like, circa 1991. Notice the tanks.
“On this day 25 years ago (August 19, 1991), while virtually the entire foreign press corps was away on holidays, the tanks rolled out on to streets of Moscow in a coup d’état to overthrow Mikhail Gorbachev the President of the Soviet Union who was on holidays in Crimea.”
Yes the coup included framing or entrapping Trump associates into confessing to process crimes and in Flynn’s case it appears they used threats against his son for him to confess to what appears to be NOT a crime at all, as he didn’t lie or mislead the FBI. They had bigger plans to frame Papadopoulos but he entrusted the $10 Grand they gave him to his attorney rather then traveling back to the States with the money which made them furious so they entrapped him in a process crime and gave him a slap on the hand 2 week sentence. In the Manafort case they dredged up a 12 year alleged crime to blackmail him into lying about Trump and the campaign, he wouldn’t do it and that’s why they threw him in the slammer, he’s on house arrest now due to covid19. They did the same thing to Cohen who did sing like a bird regarding NDA’s he handled for Trump but it wasn’t what the coup criminals wanted so he got nailed on an unrelated felony. Roger Stone is another example. The only one the coup clan didn’t indict was Carter Paige the person they used to launch this debacle.
It was a major coup and the worst scandal in the history of the country, that is another reason Democrats are so vicious and crazed with TDS because you can be sure in Trumps second term they will be exposed.
A major coup huh? When and where were the tanks mobilized in this major coup? Inquiring minds want to know. If all it takes to overthrow our government is the act of disseminating information to the press, what does that say about our government?
Manafort is in jail because he is a criminal.
How do you feel about him passing off internal GOP info off to Russian intelligence?
Unfettered fealty to Trump is the new patriotic, don’t you know? Party, nay politician, before country.
Tanks are so last millennium.
The coup attempt started by British intel is based on lies and disinformation, not tanks. The intent was to sabotage the Trump campaign and then to force him from office.
Democrat leaders and the mainstream media were willing accomplices.
Well again, if lies and disinformation is all it takes to overthrow a government, what does it say about the government?
This is my favorite part of the narrative.
They were so eager to get Trump they did precisely nothing at the point it would have done the most good…before the election.
The only thing that became widely public before the election was the Weiner emails that helped Trump, not hurt him.
I guess these Deep Staters want to show just how powerful they are by waiting until it would be immensely difficult to remove Trump instead of doing it when it would have been far easier.
Nah…torpedoing his election bid isn’t enough of a show of power, I guess.
Deep State is WAY more powerful than that.
Oh…wait…Trump is still there…with IMO a better than average chance of being re-elected.
Maybe the Deep State wants to wait until it will be REEEEEALLY difficult to TRULY show how powerful they are.
Tyranny needs lies and disinformation to survive. The Democrats tried to use lies and disinformation to overturn the 2016 election results. Coup 1.0 has failed.
Of course, some Democrats have fantasies about using the military to remove Trump from office.
The head of the joint chief had to make it clear that the military will stay clear of any election disputes.
No chance we will extradite Steele.
Not while Anne Sacoolas gets to escape justice.
It is what the Russians used to help Trump so we know it can work.
It says more about the voters than the government. Mueller exposed the attempt – Trump supporters deny it happened.