Did the British spy on Trump and tell Obama?

The information would have been meaningless unless they divulged the ultimate source? That statement cannot be taken seriously. I agree with the other poster. There is no way you possibly believe that’s true.

What in the literal world makes you think the trump campaign would have felt any obligation to divulge the source? Trump won’t even release his own tax returns, and we’re supposed to believe his campaign was preoccupied with transparency and sourcing information?

I can see it now…Don Jr. holds a press conference to reveal to the public that the dirt he obtained in Hillary actually originated from Russian intelligence services. ■■■■ out of here dude.

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Exactly. You don’t need evidence to make claims. And if you do have “evidence,” in the context of a campaign, you sure as hell don’t have to divulge it, ever.

Information, had they been given any, does not constitute a contribution. And if it was, Hillary and the DNC would be just as guilty.

2 weeks

No, I don’t want Russia picking my president.

Lets fantasize it happens your way. Don Jr. holds a press conference saying that Hillary did bad stuff but I can’t tell you the evidence or where it came from.
Yeah. CNN is going to let it go at that and blast Hillary for unsourced accusations.
You don’t really believe that. (see…anybody can say you don’t believe it)

Oh? So it was just about Russian adoptions and nothing more?

Always a conspiracy. Always a fairy-tale.
That stuff is great in kindergarten, not in the adult world.

Do you have proof otherwise?

You think the Trump meeting was just about Russian adoptions like Don Jr said?

If it’s not paid for, it sure as hell does.

So no you don’t have any proof.

Well, I guess it isn’t proof since Donald Trump Jr does seem to be a congenital liar but we can look at Donald Trump’s words:

Seems the meeting was about a bit more than Russian adoptions if we can trust Donald Trump Jr.

It was only 4 years prior that Obama said the 80s called and wanted the Foreign Policy back. They also had the whole “Reset” thing, and Obama was on Hot Mic stating he would have more flexibility after the election.

Given all that, why would Trump look at them as the “Enemy” of the US? It would seem normal to me for a Presidential candidate to try to make foreign connections among friendly nations.

Obama was wrong

I have no problem saying that.

To add to this a little.

The “flexibility” hot mic thing is one of the more overblown things to be leveled against him.

When one actually understands what the conversation was about and the result of said conversation, one would actually feel silly continuing to repeat it.

Obama’s great foreign policy mistake pertaining to Europe. was miscalculating the brazenness of Putin and what he was willing to do to reestablish Russian dominance of the Near Abroad and push back against NATO encroachment into his backyard.

So yes… during the Presidential debate, Romney was correct and Obama was as wrong.

History has 20/20 hindsight that way.

Perhaps you misunderstand me. My point isnt that Obama was a lousy President (That is a given), it is the hypocrisy of our media when they did nothing but publish stories on how Russia was our “Friend” and then chose to chastise Trump for meeting with our “Friend”

They were wrong.

I have no problem saying that

At the time, it wasn’t nearly as apparent as it is now. Bad assumptions were made on the false notion that Russia, who has the economy the size of Italy and was at the time very much a political basket case, didn’t pose as great of a danger as they actually did.

Romney was right, Obama was wrong.

No one should have a problem with people changing their opinions based on current information

Shhh don’t tell anybody.

burrack Insano in his tiny little braino and the rest of his Democratic Politician cronies,
like to project things in general.

Hillary, Obama, and several other Democrat Politicians colluded with Russia, and once she lost the election they had to cover everything up and blame Trump for it.

If there was any other spying on Trump, and Obama new about it, it wouldn’t matter
for several reasons. 1. Obama is a democrat, and there is a two tier justice system
in America for Democrat Politicians, and the Left wing drive by Fake News Media. lol.
2. They’re Democrats and therefore innocent automatically in anything and everything that they do. On the opposite side of the spectrum though Judge Kavanaugh was presumed automatically guilty without due process almost and his reputation almost ruined, just because the Dem Dem Politicians were **** hurt that Trump was able to put 2 judges in there. lol.

The mouse eats the Cheese, The Cat eats the mouse, The dog eats
the Cat, The Wolf eats the dog, but who eats the Wolf?
I do! I do.
