Did pocahontas try to ambush bernie?

Sad to say but Bernie showed much more class than Pocahontas.

He’s scared of her.

It was a riot seeing two socialists fussing.

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The socialist party of the United States us ■■■■■■■■■ if you ask me.

I am not seeing the repubics as babies. Although some have some growing up to do. The DC swamp has members from both parties involved.

Just a reminder we are not the ones that support legalized abortion.

No moral high ground available for those who do.

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You got that right. Some claimed repubics are dims in disguise. But we an zero in them for some change.

Nope. There were plenty of Republican candidates who would agree with you on this issue that had reasonable morals. Active support for this nasty, malignant,
psychopathic, amoral piece of garbage shows a complete disregard for morality.

I am astounded that people think this is a big deal. It is not.

Which part of the alleged “socialist party of the United States” is in violation of the USA Constitution?

It is a huge deal. I bet you have no idea why.

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The way she flails her hands about when she talks, I don’t blame him.

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She could take out an eye…

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Doesn’t Bernie know that the woman is to be believed?

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Interesting trap they’ve built for themselves. A woman’s word can’t even be questioned anymore or you’re a misogynist.

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Remember Prop 8 in California? Very inconvenient. Same with Buttjudge and the black vote.

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Scared of the loss of her voters to Biden. Which is probably the reason for the scuffle in the first place. She sees the pending dropout and has to swing votes Biden’s way.

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The part that has no graves representing them in our national cemeteries.

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As long as your party is pro “choice” your party can’t even get a glimpse of the moral high ground.

You gave up that argument by actively supporting a psychopath as president.