and you believe that crap? lol, wanna buy a bridge?

and you believe that crap? lol, wanna buy a bridge?
What exactly are you taking exception to?
Clearly Cuomo is to blame for GA current situation with spikes in schools.
NY was the epicenter for the spread of the COVID virus throughout the entire US. Due to the level of contagiousness, I don’t think there’s anything he logically could have done to stop it but…he could have slowed the spread. Just as he now is stopping those entering the state without quarantining…he could have done the same for those leaving.
No independent investigation. The accusations are political.
Cuomo rejects independent investigation of nursing home coronavirus deaths as political | Fox News
Cuomo is still doubling down on stupid.
"“Look, the best thing he did for New York City was leave. Good riddance, let him go to Florida, be careful not to get COVID,” Cuomo later added. “Also, the main situation that New York City had to deal with, that I had to deal with as Governor, was the COVID pandemic. Remember, COVID ambushed New York due to Trump’s negligence. It was his negligence that allowed the virus to ambush New York, and that’s not rhetorical.”
“He is the cause of COVID in New York,” Cuomo continued. “It is his negligence that brought it here and then his arrogance where he won’t provide state and local funding to help states and cities to recover from the pandemic that his negligence caused.”