Did China just blink?

I’m not so sure because communists lie a lot!

On the other hand I’m pretty sure China knows all about IEEPA, more then Americans I’d say, and the damage that could cause them before the 2020 election where they are hoping for a different wimp POTUS.

We have an opioid crisis in this country right now and it’s a perfect time to pull the IEEPA “Trump card” to stop the imports of fentanyl from China. You could almost say its a “genius” move. :wink:

But of course there are always those on the far left that will side with China, they’re already doing it, I just saw some clips from the MSM sympathizing with China! It’s an everyday ad nauseam occurrence in the MSM to root against America’s interest “just because” Trump is President.

Powermatic was one if not the best American made tools. They moved to Taiwan plant while Jet and Grizzly moved their manufacturing to China.

America no longer makes classic wood table saws, joiners, planners drill presses etc.

Oh there still quality tools since Taiwan been making em for nearly 50 years now…since the 70’s when Rockwell moved.

Of course not.

I’m asking you to cite a source that indicates the TPP would make that easier somehow.

But now you’re shifting your position…

If you are right, and the TPP makes it easy for corps to sell into other asian markets and to do so more profitably, so what?

You just said trumps efforts to make US corps buying cheap chinese goods more profitable was A-ok…

What’s the difference?

Libs…let me ask you all this.

If Trump gets China to lower their barrier and tariffs, stop stealing intellectual property and allow unfetter competition…and finally cease being majority share hold of those corporation would you congratulate him?

Or find something…anything about the deal to bitch about?

And since it seems you all agree that China been manipulating American business and unfair trade imbalance etc…what has Obama done anything during his 98 years to stop this?

You want a source knock yourself out…I’m asking you to think on your own.

Or is that a problem?

Between the two, I buy Taiwan every time.

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Exactly. This would have been a huge boon for the US Agriculture sector. But, we cannot have farming communities benefiting from something that Obama did. Not when we can kick them while they are down, and then implement some socialism wealth redistribution scheme to temporarily prop them up, as they fall as pawns in the great Trump Trade War®.

And I say this as someone who was very on-the-fence about TPP, as there were some provisions that I abhorred.



Some of us believe that taxing Americans in order to bring China to bear is a horrible approach to a serious issue regarding trade with China. That has literally nothing to do with Trump.

Tarriffs are a better way to do business.

TPP would have been scoffed and ignored like China has always done.

By paying up front with tariffs we have leverage we never had before.

To be clear CHINA pays the tariffs. There are higher prices for US consumers. China does bear the brunt of the delivery time cost. If this were not the case WHY would CHINA raise its minority trade balance tariffs in response?

I was hopeful the G7 would be Trump’s time to shine…Lets see how it goes!


That philosophy would be wrong because China has ignored every other negative consequence.

Paying up front cannot be ignored.

Give tariffs a chance.


It’s not just about the agriculture…beside those are big corporate farms while inner cities manufacturing centers would be hurt even more by this deal.

Oh wait…I now know why that isn’t a problem.

I’m sorry, but it is hard to debate with someone who says this…

Go have some support and team building exercises and come back when your psyche is able to handle the rough stuff.


The real slogan with some around here is Trump before everyone and everything else.

It is remarkable how much he permeates his critics.

Doesn’t he look better today than he did when he took office?

The meaner people are to him, the younger and better his looks become.


Why so antagonistic?

You made a claim. I asked you to back it up.

Or is that a problem?


And I can’t really ‘think for myself’ about your claim unless I know it to be true.

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Yes it is. If you’re unable to think on your own then we have no discussion.

Forum Dems need to start preparing their posts for after the next election.

  1. Biden wins: Look, I know we were very hard on President Trump. To be fair, Republican posters were very hard on Obama. At some point, we should just put these disagreements away and work together for the good of the country. There will be disagreements over particular issues that can be discussed reasonably like adults.

  2. Trump wins: The Orange Orangutan stole the election again. The traitor clearly had the help of his man crush Putin. Resistance!! Impeachment needs to start tomorrow. Deplorables who voted for him are worse than he is.


I have no evidence that supports your claim. Therefore, I believe you to be incorrect.