Did Biden make a White Power hand gesture as a sign to his neo-Nazi followers?

What’s “dumb” is libs ever suggesting that Trump was a white supremacist who uses that symbol to attract his secret base. Now that it’s being mirrored back, libs label it…dumb. It took a while but now you’ve got it right. It is dumb…from either side. :sunglasses:


Neither one of them did anything wrong in using the gesture.

Racist hand gestures! Call the FBI!!

I agree.

But I also remember the old thread about Trump. It was ridiculous.

As noted in the ADL link, context is important. Trump has specifically condemned neo-Nazis and related groups by name many times:

Crickets from Joe Biden about his neo-Nazi endorsement. Based on Biden’s own statements, Biden must be a racist.

Context being important…he used this :ok_hand: When speaking the word zero describing how much money Trump paid… There was nothing in his context that said he was being all white powery. If there was, I am not as good as contextual cues and I thought I was.